2014 Smoke Reports

The ongoing saga of the gun purchased in Boone and shot around the Country!
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April 14th Smoke Report 2014

Post by smokem »

Good morning from Jamestown North Carolina and I hope you had a great weekend. Saturday and Sunday were nice days with moderate winds and the pollen was coming down.
The 35th Annual Southwestern Grand is over and Bob Goodman, Charlie Brown and Terry Roush were in San Antonio. Missouri lady Rachel Hopkins shot well with a 195/100/98 for the AAA HAA with a 393. Ricky Marshall won the HOA with a 1269x1300. Patrick Stacey won the singles with a 200, Rachel won the dubs with a 100 and Gerry Williams won the caps with a 98.

Two shoots over the weekend with Coharie and Buckhorn reporting. Ben Campbell won the singles with a 95, Dane Westbrook won the caps with a 97 and a punch to the 20, Jared Pettet won the dubs with an 89 and Dane won the HOA with a 269 which was one better than Jared. Mac reported that Chuck and Sandi Patterson dropped by for a visit and that they both looked great. Coharie shoots next on May 17th.

Buckhorn had a good turnout and Jimmy won the singles with a 99, Andrew Carroll got a punch for a 95 and Greg High won the dubs with a 96. Steve Watson won the HOA with a 97/92/95 and broke his best doubles score ever. Buckhorn shoots next on May 10th & 11th.

Two shoots this Saturday on the 19th of April. Old Hickory Rocky Mount and Ft. Bragg will be offering a typical 300 target program. Weather looks a little iffy right now but that could change like it always does.

The Dogwood cranks up the 24th and runs through the 27th. This will be your last chance to shoot at the Homegrounds before the NC State Shoot June 4th - 8th. This will give you a chance to get the lay of the land before the big show in June. Thursday program is sing/caps/dubs, Friday is dubs/sing/caps, Saturday 200 sing/100 caps, Sunday dubs/caps.

Ray Shisler is a member at the Rockingham Gun Club and managed to snap 279 pictures of the clubhouse construction from start to finish. I posted them in NC Trapshooting - NC Clubs News - Clubhouse At The Rock. Take a look and thanks to Ray for his efforts.

Easter is this weekend and I hope you have a great Holiday with your family. Hopefully I will see some of you at the Dogwood and I might slip up Friday with JBird. Hello to Lou down in Florida and until next week...........................Smokem

I almost forgot the boys from up in the mountains. Tom Pitts posted a picture on Facebook of a big fish he caught. Tom Shelley told me he caught that bign in a pay to fish pond in Boone. Steve Watson slipped down to Buckhorn Sunday and shot rather well considering George couldn't attend, Shelley was camping and Pitts was mourning Shelley leaving him. The best news is that the new PAT trap will be delivered Wednesday. Things are just different in that thin mountain air....lol
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Smoke Report For April 21st 2014

Post by smokem »

Good morning and I hope you had a great Easter Holiday weekend. Saturday was a little iffy weather wise but Sunday was gorgeous. Word from the Coast was a miserable rainy weekend and a bad day at the beach is better than a nice day back home.
Ft. Bragg got rained out Saturday but managed to host a BIG50 on Friday. Preacher Jerry Kinlaw managed to win the singles, caps and dubs. Marty will be hosting these BIG50 events on Friday afternoons in the very near future. He will email the info and I will get it published here on this site also.

The Dogwood Spring Shoot cranks up this Thursday at the North Carolina Homegrounds. Weather looks warm for all four days with temps near 80. Very little precip is forecast for the event and hopefully the wind will be minimal. Always a great time at the Homegrounds and hopefully I can make it up one day.

Looks like the new PAT showed up at the Watauga Gun Club last week. Tom Shelley was going to snap a picture but it was still in the crate. Evidently the crew will be at the Dogwood with Watson, BamBam, Spy Twins and Pop & Teach Waters. Tom Shelley has predicted that he will wear his running buddy Tom Pitts out this weekend. If you see Tom Pitts at the dogwood ask him why he named his new laptop Sally?

Chip and Audrey Sudderth welcomed a new baby boy into the world at 3AM on the 14th of April. Aidan Mariner Sudderth was 20 inches and 7lb's and 6 ounces. Great thing about Facebook is getting to see all of the excitement when a baby is born. Congrats to Grandma and Grandpa Sudderth up in Boone NC.

Looking back at the Dogwood in 2013 the winners on Thursday were Rodney Raines in singles, Lonnie Hapney in caps and Sheldon Hostetter in Doubles. Friday winners included Louis Goodwin Jr. in doubles, Sheldon Hostetter in singles and Greg High in caps. Saturday winners included Sheldon Hostetter winning singles with a 200 and Steve Watson winning caps with a 96. Sunday winners included Tom Brown with a 94 in doubles and Todd Wutrick with a 93 in caps. Tommy Brown won the HOA with a 746 for the event. Sunday was almost a washout with only 13 doubles entries and 12 handicap entries. Thankfully the weather looks much better for this weekend.

Have a great week everybody and I will get scores when available from the Dogwood. Hello to Lou in sunny Florida and until next week...................................Smokem
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