May 2nd Smoke Report

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May 2nd Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Well now what a nice weekend but could someone put an end to this pollen. BIG BIG50 at Buccaneer Saturday and a BIG50 at Rockingham. Two day shoot this weekend at Buckhorn and the Rockingham County Gun Club hosts the SCTP State Trap Championship on Saturday.

The Buccaneer Gun Club hosted their BIG50 Saturday and set a record for attendance. 33 singles, 22 caps and 14 doubles shooters stepped to the line. Nathan “Model 12” Snyder was high with a 48. John Joyner, Terry Lewis, and Nathan Snyder all broke 45’s. Terry and Nathan got a ½ yard punch for their efforts. Rich Long was high gun in the doubles with a 48 and Nathan won HOA with a 137x150. Their next BIG50 is May 28th for your calendar.

The Rockigham County Gun Club hosted a BIG50 Thursday the 28th and we had 10 folks show up. The wind was kicking around and Lane Murray and Ed Gideon both broke solid 49’s. Allan Davis broke a 46 to take hi-gun in the caps. Ed Gideon took the BIGDOG pot with a 94 and took a new cap home designed by Ronnie Manuel’s son Greg. Greg came out to shoot with us and Ronnie showed up to observe and catch a little sun. Ronnie is modifying his 1100 to allow and drop-down grip on the forearm. We look forward to him getting back on that stool and spreading the lead.

Former New Yorker and retired fire fighter Bill Goscinski shot at and broke his 25,000th singles target Thursday. He in fact was shooting right beside Tommy Massey that was also shooting a Remington 3200. He went to the Homegrounds for the Hall of Fame to shoot 200 targets so that he could shoot his 50 targets at Rockingham for his target attainment. We got him an orange and black butter cream cupcake cake and it was delicious.

Not sure what the program is for Buckhorn this weekend for their two-day shoot. I would imagine it will be something that folks like to shoot and heck you never know he might throw some extra doubles? As soon as I know what it is we will try to post it. It is always a good time at Buckhorn, and they always have a great lunch. Ask Jimmy of he will show you his tomato stick.

Saturday the Rockingham County Gun Club will host the SCTP State Trap Championship. Close to 100 youth shooters have already registered for the singles event. There will probably be less caps and dubs shooters but 20 squads for singles will be a good start to the day. We will have “Second Helpings” food truck to provide some delicious food for the competitors and their families. This event has been getting bigger and bigger each year and we are excited to host it. If you are reading this please come out and either shoot since it is open to all ATA shooters or just bring a chair and watch these youth shooters mash some clay.

I talked to Hall of Famer Bill Howe last week and it looks like he is going under the knife for back surgery. It should take him out of action for awhile, but he hopes to get back to shooting by the Dixie Grand in October. I “knock on wood” have been blessed to have experienced any major surgeries and I pray that he heals up quick. I know he is looking forward to being able to compete without pain while shooting. Give him a call and check in on him before his surgery.

Looming on the horizon is the South Carolina State shoot in Spartanburg. Tammie stated that all the camping was sold out and that is a great sign that a crowd is going to show up to shoot and eat that fish on Saturday evening. I have some fond memories of shooting in South Carolina, and I have won a few trophies in SC over the years. If you can shoot in Spartanburg, you can shoot about anywhere.

Not to leave the NC State Shoot out it will be here before you know it. Marty is already classifying folks prior to the event so get in contact with him to get set up. He is also reporting that 182 flats of shells will be for sale and no idea of what flavors are available. I am not aware of any vendors that will be there, but I will check and report in a future smoke report.

That is about it for this week, but I do have one thing to say. George Sudderth mentioned that I had published a link for buying shells from Federal. is a site that you can order shells from. I believe there is no shipping but you might want to check on that.
Ok that is all I got, and I hope everyone has a great week. By this time next week, I will be worn about slap out and hopefully can crank the smoke report out. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Thea and Anne and until next week…….smokem
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