April 24th Smoke Report

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April 24th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Greetings and hopefully you and yours had a great weekend. The NC Hall of Fame just wrapped up and it was a great success. Ft. Bragg shoots this weekend, and the Georgia State Shoot cranks up Thursday.

Ft. Bragg shoots a typical 300 target program this Sunday and the weather looks interesting for sure. Marty and the crew always put on a good shoot but be sure to pack a lunch.

The NC Hall of Fame wrapped us Sunday and some great scores were broken. Championship singles found Model 31 shooting Nathan Snider at the top with a 199. Montreat student Brady Cox led all doubles shooters with a 98 and Steven “Scooter” Scott won the handicap with a lone 96. The HOA and HAA have not been posted so I cannot report on that.

The weather for the most part was great, but Saturday brought cool temps with rain and heavy rain at times. Shooters handled the conditions and there was only one call from the line. There were a lot of winners and youth was represented well at this 4-day event. Hats off to the HOF and NCTA board for a great shoot and to Greg Pink and his SOS shoot scoring software.

I am sad to report the passing of Henry McGinnis. He passed last Saturday, and his arrangements were Tuesday. I had called Mrs. Keever about something, and she notified me about Henry. He was a great shooter and a prince of a man. Also, Bob Keevers mom fell and had to have surgery Wednesday. Please keep these folks in your prayers.

Please continue to pray for Tom Pitts. He is critically ill and needs a miracle. He is fighting stage four cancer and it has been a tough battle. He is great man and a great trapshooter. Everyone that knows him hates to see him going through this.

Ok that is about it for this week, and I am fading fast. Have a great week everybody and hope to see you on the line real soon. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Thea and Anne and until next week……..smokem
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