May 8th Smoke Report

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May 8th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

The first week in May has come to a close and it has been a busy week for sure. Several shoots over the weekend with Buckhorn hosting a two-day shoot and Rockingham hosting the 2023 SCTP State Trap Championship. With the South Carolina State Shoot on the horizon there are several NC shoots prior to that event.

As many of you know Tom Pitts was laid to rest in Boone and the trapshooting community was well represented. The quaint little Baptist Church was on a winding mountain road at the top of a hill. The sun was shining brightly, and the wind was blowing a cool wind through the area. We arrived and struggled to find a parking place but finally got parked. I entered the church and it was not only packed there was a visitation line that started at the front of the church and wound around the right side of the church. I noticed Marty Hill, Greg High, Terry Roush, George Sudderth and his wife, Tom Shelley and his wife, Donna and Darvin Cornett, Bob Schultz, Jim Hughes, Carolyn and Bob Keever, John Waters and if I missed anyone I apologize.

I fell behind a little lady, and she mentioned that she was Tommy’s cousin. She mentioned that she used to keep Tommy when he was a child and that he really loved to eat fried taters. She said she would fix them, and he would eat all she had and always wanted more taters. She also said that Tommy and his sister Anne would get on her couch and argue and wrestle and fight. As I was approaching the line, I asked the sisters which one used to fight with Tommy and Ann shyly said well that would be me. She told me that their mom had bought burial plots for Tommy and Ann because she figured they would fight for eternity.

I said hello to all that I recognized and spent a moment talking with Darvin and Donna Cornett. It was great to see Darvin and gave him as good of a hug as I could give him with him sitting in a pew. I spent a few more minutes chatting and headed back home. I left Greensboro at 11 and got to the church at 1. I left the church at 2 and got back to Greensboro at 4. I really hate I missed the service and heard that the graveside service was a little chilly in the shade and with the wind. Tommy will surely be missed by all the folks he touched and there never will be another Tommy Pitts “AKA SPY1”.

I rolled off the mountain and stopped at Wendy’s for a quick sandwich and ran into a stranger that was ordering his food. He asked me what I was dressed up for and I said that I was attending a funeral for a trapshooting friend of mine. He said you mean like clay targets, and I said that is correct. He asked what kind of gun I had and before I could answer he said I have a Caesar Guerini. I thought man this guy must shoot sporting or something and can’t believe he hasn’t been to the Watauga Gun Club. He then mentioned that he bought it from a fellow near Asheville and I said Bob Schultz and he said yes Target Shotguns and for a moment he thought it was Bob that passed away and I said no Bob was at the service. Anyway, it is a small world we live in and I gave him a card with the website on it and told him he really needed to visit WGC.

Saturday the Rockingham County Gun Club hosted the 2023 SCTP State Trap Championship Saturday and the weather was beautiful after a dreadful rain forecast at the start of the week. 13 squads of singles, 11 squads of handicap and doubles took the line. Sam McInteer won the singles with a 96 and a 24 in a shootoff. She also won the handicap with a 90 and the HOA with a 274. Gage Malone won the double with career high 95 and I got to score the squad. Kevin Biss cranked his drone up and took some excellent photos and video of the event. Margaret Johnson did a wonderful job gathering some great trophies and had swag bags with shells and various items from different shooting sponsors. The RCGC club members showed up in force and did another great job this year. Hats off to Lane Murray for handling the registration and SCORESR and pitching in where needed. Congrats to all the winners, parents and coaches and thanks for shooting at RCGC.

Buckhorn shot Saturday and Sunday and they had two days of great weather. Saturday Shawn Reese won the singles, Billy Soper won the handicap (punch) and BigD won the doubles and the HOA. I thought that the Sunday scores were posted but now I cannot find them on Facebook. If I get the scores, I will edit this post ASAP.

One shoot this weekend with Ft. Bragg hosting a typical 300 target program shoot. The weather is looking good with temps in the 90’s and wind light and variable. Marty Hill has had some issues with scheduling shoots and the weather not cooperating. Hopefully the weatherman will be right for a change and good scores can be produced. Remember to pack a lunch because it will not be provided.

The South Carolina State Shoot cranks up the 17th and runs through the 21st of May. Whether you like the Spartanburg Gun Club or not it has outlived three NC State Shoot sites including Piedmont GC in Greensboro, Tarheel GC in Advance, and the legendary Pinehurst GC. Every field at SGC is just a little different and the free fish fry on Saturday night is always delicious. Hopefully the weather will cooperate this year.

Ok that is about it and I hope everyone has a great week. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Thea and Anne and until next week……….smokem
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