Southern Grand 2011 Status

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Southern Grand 2011 Status

Post by jcallan »

The weather at the Southern Grand is wonderful. Average temps for Monday and Tuesday have been about 77 degrees. Several NC shooters have made the trip including Billy Thigpen and a few of the Bostic crew. Addison and I came in on Sunday night. He was feeling a bit groggy on Sunday and appears on Monday and Tuesday (if scores are a judge) to have come down with something strange. Complaining of being cold and feeling clammy in 77 degrees was a clue to Dad that something was amiss. Monday singles of 91 and a dreadful handicap and doubles (76) was a clue that Addison was indeed under the weather. Dad tied his 91 and did just as dreadful in caps and doubles. Dad also discovered that loosing 20 lbs can have a nasty effect on the POI.

After suffering through my stock starting to slice my cheek all day I stopped by for Bob Schultz and Dennis to has a look at my mount. "Yep, that is definitely going to hit your cheek. Perhaps you should look at shimming up that butt pad for the next event..." Dennis took out a spacer they had laying around and gave be 1/4 inch a breathing room to end the day on Monday without getting more facial abuse. Thanks fellows.

Tuesday was slightly better for Dad, but I had to drag the young one out of the bed and on to the line. I had pumped him with Pepto Bismol and NyQuel on Monday and sent him to dreamland early. I popped a 94 with my newly shimmed Target Shotguns fixer upper and counted myself lucky. Addison squeaked by with a 92 that showed he still had some fight but the fever was bad for more than two rounds. Caps and doubles were dreadful for us both. I had left my ear plugs at the hotel and experimented with listening to waves on the custom audio plugs with some silicone to seal it...cords et in the way...not likely for me...then forgot to switch the chokes for doubles. The one good thing about the day is I was able to work out a fair deal with Bob and Dennis to take home one of their nice Caesar G's to replace my well shot SKB that most of you know I have been overdue to retire.

So I will no doubt spend my next 5000 shots learning the new gun as all of you have warned. Addison is asleep because we are squad 2 tommorrow, so we both need rest. I hope the medicine helps. You may look to the Bostic boys to bring home the bacon for NC at this shoot. Dad and son need to find some mojo overnight...

More later

Jim Callan
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SO Grand Report

Post by smokem »

Thanks for the update and we hope to see you live and in color Thursday morning..

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