September 25th Smoke Report

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September 25th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Wayne Perry Post 3 – Dead Bird – Saturday Singles

Good morning shooters and hopefully you had a great weekend. The North Carolina Hall of Fame has just wrapped up and some great scores were broken at the NC Homegrounds. I have bits and pieces of information and the “official” NCHOF scores should be available sometime today. Until then you can access scores by mashing this link.....

Steve Morgan Friday Caps Winner
I arrived Friday for the handicap and the winner was none other than Steve Morgan with a 95. He was only 1 down in 75 and missed a bird on his last trap. He got so flustered he dropped 3 on the next post.

Saturday Singles

Saturday SrVet Steve Woods broke the lone 199 with Alabama shooter Juston Timback one back with a 198. There was a group of 197’s that shot off that included Dan Johnson and Morgan Shaw. Sunday doubles John Miller won with a 95 and Dan Johnson won the caps with a 96 and the HOF HOA with a 197-93-96…….Congrats Mr. Johnson.

Saturday night two individuals were inducted into the NCHOF. Jackie Roush and Ron Wilson were inducted and it was much deserved. Both worked tirelessly to promote trapshooting in NC and beyond. I have included the table displays that were prepared for the event. Terry Roush assembled a slideshow of pictures of Jackie and Ron. I hope to get those up with a link for your viewing pleasure.

Jackie Roush

Ron Wilson
Several projects have been undertaken that include new lights for the shootoffs and also the new area for the campers. Not to mention the 2 NEW traps down in the corner. I have included pictures of these enhancements and hats off to all that have been involved in getting the job done.


New Camping

New Field 1

New Field 2

The Dixie Grand October 3 – 8 is right around the corner and it looks like about 300 have pre-squadded for the Saturday singles. You can access the site by mashing on the following link - – PreSquad closes the 30th so login register and get signed up. I have included the link to the program and take a look at the daily events ... ie_Web.pdf – I have also included the link to the info regarding the NC Homegrounds -

I would like to ask you to keep these folks in your prayers. David Miller asked me to mention Will Price’s wife Sherry during this time……she needs your prayers. Also continue to remember Bob Schultz’s wife Jan and Lewis Wyatt needs your prayers. JT Brewer had a mild stroke last week and spent a bit of time in the hospital. He is out of the hospital and taking it easy…….

I will try to get all of the pictures from the HOF uploaded and all of the banquet pictures. If anyone has any pictures of Sunday please send them to me so they can be posted. That is about it for this week and hello to Lou, Hap, Scott and Cousin Ronnie and until next week ………………smokem
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