June 12th Smoke Report

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June 12th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Good morning and what a great weather weekend in North Carolina. The NC State Shoot just wound up and some great scores were broken at the NC Homegrounds. Couple of shoots this week with Buckhorn shooting a BIG50 Wednesday and Old Hickory@Rocky Mount (300 target program) Sunday.

The 2023 NC State Shoot is in the books, and it was well attended. The weather was great except for rain late Sunday. Lower temps with low humidity and light winds made for some good shooting conditions. Big shout out to the NCTA and the HOF boards for another job well done.

Briefly the NC State Singles Champ is John Miller, Doubles Andrew Tollison Jr. and Handicap Champ Joe Nalley. The winner of the HOA is John Miller and HAA is Noah Gouge. For more info go to www.shootscorebaord.com

Sorry to cut it so short but it has been a fun four days for me at the shoot. The next big event at the Homegrounds is the Dixie Grand in late September. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Thea and Anne and until next week…….smokem
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