October 9th Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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October 9th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Another great weather weekend in North Carolina with cooler temperatures and some frisky wind. The NC home grounds in Bostic closed for the season after the 125th Annual Okoboji meeting was held there. Shooters from around the country descended on the property for the 4-day event.

The Charlie Brown Gun Club hosted a BIG50 Saturday, and it was well attended. David Nelson won the singles, Benji Hight won the handicap and Megan Smith won the doubles and the HOA. The weather was good, and the wind made conditions a little sporty. I do not see any shoots scheduled for the rest of the year but that could change.

Coming up this week there are several BIG50 shoots to celebrate National Trapshooting Month. CCLEOA shoots this Friday, and the weather looks interesting for the coast.

The Rockingham County Gun Club will host a BIG50 Saturday (registration 9 – shooting 10) and will have Shamrock leather trophies to commemorate ATA National Trapshooting Month. Typical BIG50 program and NTM pins and RCGC commemorative shotgun shells will be given out. We offered trophies like this in 2010,2020 and again this year. Weather is looking a little iffy but hopefully the weatherman is wrong again. Sunday RCGC will host another BIG50 offering 50 singles & 50 handicap with Lewis style payouts. Doubles will be shot if enough people want to shoot them. Registration at 1pm and shooting begins at 2. Mash on the link for the program....https://shootata.com/Portals/0/pdf/prog ... leName.pdf

John Sandell sent me some pictures of clubs from up North and we will try to get them posted next week. The fall colors are already appearing up there, and the leaves are falling.

That is about it for this week. As the temps get cooler and the shooting schedule thins down in North Carolina folks find other things to keep them entertained. Other states shoot all through the winter with leagues and I think Maryland has handicap leagues. Got to figure out a way to start something here locally.

Have a great week and hopefully we will get a little rain this week but not over the weekend. Keep Sandy Wyatt in your prayers please. She had a procedure Friday and Lane said she was feeling ok but tired. Hello to Scott in PA, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Mac, Thea and Anne and until next week……smokem
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