January 22nd Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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January 22nd Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Great weather weekend if you are a penguin, I guess. With super cold weather and wind, it was a little chilly. The NC mountains got upwards of a foot of snow cancelling the BIG50 at Watauga. Buckhorn also decided to wait for a better day and cancelled their event. Shooting in that weather isn’t the bad part it is sitting in that chair scoring that is rough.

No shooting events in NC scheduled for this weekend. The weather will be getting a bit warmer and wetter later in the week. The Silver Dollar Shooting Club hosted a four-day event and if you look at the scores it might have been breezy also. I only noticed one NC shooter and that was Tiffany Decker. Not sure what the typical attendance is for this shoot but take a look for yourself at www.shootscoreboard.com

Randy “Boone” Jones has a reputation for wearing shorts in inclement weather. He was looking forward to shooting Sunday and even was preparing for the event by standing outside in the snow and mounting the gun. His wife snapped a picture, and I posted it on the TarHeelTrap Facebook page.

I called Mac Herring earlier in the week to inform him about the death of Buddy Leatherman. He told me it had been a while since he shot registered trap and he decided to shoot a few practice rounds. He said he missed the first bird out of the house and broke the rest. He ran the next 25 for a solid 49 and that is pretty good considering. On 10/20/2018 Mac broke a 93 at a registered shoot at CSL back when they hosted registered events. Mac also informed me that the price of targets had gone up and he had just ordered some from Crowe. Not sure what your club charges for a round of trap but I imagine the cost will be going up soon.

Most of you probably already know about this website www.resortcams.com It has mountain, skiing and beach webcams up and down the east coast. If you like to look at snow or places where it snows, go take a look. I wish we had webcams at gun clubs so you could tune into the action.

I spoke briefly with ATA Secretary Hunter Galloway a little earlier in the week. He will be traveling to the Shot Show in Las Vegas to help drum up sponsors for the Grand American. I think this is the first time he has traveled to Vegas in this capacity. It takes a lot of money to run the Grand and hopefully they will attract some new sponsors this year.

Continue to remember Morgan Shaw and Will Price in your prayers. Both gentlemen lost their wives recently and if you have their phone number, please give them a ring sometime and check on them. I believe they would appreciate a kind voice.

I have a little project involving a 9000G that belonged to JC Nunn. Lane Murray had it and I picked it up to load 1 1/8 exclusively. I have a MEC mount somewhere in my building and getting it mounted on a board should be quick. It will be great to load on this machine and hopefully it will go smoothly. This is also the machine that he had a primer explode and put a piece of metal in his hand. We tried to analyze how he managed to blow up a primer, but we never figured it out.

Another week ahead and one week closer to warmer weather and the smell of gunpowder. Before you know it, we will be commenting about heat, sweat and bugs. Have a great week everybody and hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Mac, John, Thea and Anne and until next week……..smokem
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