Feebruary 19th Smoke Report

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Feebruary 19th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Great weekend in North Carolina and glad the nor’easter stayed North. Buckhorn shot Sunday and Watauga cancelled their BIG50 and I guess brought the crew to Mebane. Not much going on this weekend as far as trapshooting goes so get out and practice.

Former NC resident John Sandell made it to Florida ok but also contracted some type of bug. Hopefully he and the family will feel better soon. They visited the Imperial Polk Gun Club in Winterhaven and said it was a nice facility. With all the rain that poured into the state hopefully they can get out this week and shoot.

James Brown made it through his heart valve replacement surgery and was at the Rockingham County Gun Club Thursday just two days after surgery. He had someone drive him out to see the crew that he normally shoots with during the week. Glad to see him out and about and good luck with his rehab.

Just a month away and that is the Southern Grand at the Silver Dollar Gun Club in Odessa Florida. Interesting place to shoot and if you have never been there, it is worth the trip. Great places to eat in the area and other attractions within driving distance. Heck you might even run into Florida resident Phil Berkowitz. This shoot attracts folks from around the country looking for those All-American points.

Buckhorn shot Sunday and I asked Eric Sherer for the event winners prior to him posting their shoot report. Look like Jack Rogers won the singles, Mark Cox won the handicap and Daniel Tollison Jr. won the doubles and the HOA. I will try to fill in the gaps next week.

Ok that should do it for this week, and we will try to dig up some pertinent info for next week. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Mac, John, Thea and Anne and until next week……..smokem..
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