March 4th Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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March 4th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Hello March how are you doing? The weekend turned out nice after a grim weather forecast. Spartanburg cancelled their monthly shoot and Brushy Mountain VA attracted a motley crew from the North Carolina mountains. As far as I can tell there are no scheduled trapshooting events in North Carolina this week.

I made another trip up to Virginia Saturday and originally thought I might get wet. That was not the case, and the caps and dubs were shot under sunny skies. As I walked in the clubhouse, I caught a glimpse of the Boone crew. Randy “Boone” Jones, Will Price, Bobby Jones, and Shawn Reese. They rode over to shoot with VA Hall of Famer Ted Carwile. Attendance was up over the match held in February and it was great to see a good turnout. I left before all the winners were determined and there were not enough shooters for a punch.

John Sandell is getting out and shooting while he is in Florida and recently visited Tenorec recreational area in Lakeland Florida. Evidently there are more sporting clay ranges than trap and he uses to find shooting locations. They will be back at Imperial Polk Gun Club over the weekend.

I recently reported that a vendor was making shell deflectors for gas guns. Very handy for deflecting shells when shooting doubles. VA shooter Brian Coates bought two for his Beretta autos and reports that the deflector works well. I will be ordering one for my A400 in the very near future. Check them out at

Boone hosted a BIG50 Sunday, and they had 16 shooters. Shawn Reese won the singles with a 49, Bobby Jones won the handicap with a 47 and a punch and Morgan Shaw won the doubles with a 47. Shawn out coin flipped Will Price for the HOA. Will Price said it was windy, but the weather was nice.

Several shoots on the horizon including the SC Hall of Fame in Greenville SC and the NCHOF/SC State Shoot both in April. I did get a program from the SCHOF and will check on when the NCHOF and SC State Shoot will mail. Looks like Old Hickory GC in Bostic will be putting on the feed bag Friday night. This is a meal they have served over the years, and it has always been great. BBQ and all the fixins unless the menu has changed. Also, the traditional SC State fish fry will not be served on Saturday night due to the NC HOF banquet in the clubhouse.

I looked at the Spring Grand results, and it looks like it was the Richard Marshall show. Looks like he won the doubles, handicap, HOA and HAA. JRG Lane Labokrtsky won the singles with 552 shooters and the lone 200. Folks say it is a great place to shoot but sometimes the conditions can be tricky.

Ok that will do it for this week. If you were hoping for snow this year don’t hold your breath. If you want to see snow go to and take a look. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Mac, John, Will, Thea and Anne and until next week………smokem
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