2012 Southwestern Grand - San Antonio Texas

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2012 Southwestern Grand - San Antonio Texas

Post by smokem »

2012 Southwestern Grand - Sunday
2PM - 74 squads with 60 on the ready for the Winchester Handicap. Todd Hanson has the lone 96 on top of the board right now. He broke it from the back fence and he is from the Dakota's.
Will it hold up is the question and my simple bet would be no.....Check back a little later for the eventual winners.....

3:15PM - John Meyer and Ryan Russell put up 96's so there are three at the top of the board. Meyer and Russell are from Texas.. You know the wind is blowing when Lou Ann Munson shoots an 84 to lead Lady 2 and Debbie Ohye posts a 90 to lead Lady 1.

Wind is blowing at 14mph from the North and it will be interesting to hear the stories about the handicap today!

2012 Southwestern Grand - Saturday
8:45PM - 388 shooters showed up to shoot in the White Flyer Championship Singles today in San Antonio. Word from the event was windy and the scores showed that the conditions were less than favorable.
One lone 200 emerged and it was broken by SubJr Garrett Sweeney from Murfeesboro TN. That is quite a memory for the young man and hats off to him for his effort.

Charlie Brown broke a 197 and Jeff Galloway a 193 which will get them absolutely nothing amongst the 199 that won SrVet and also AA.

The Galloway crew will be leaving Sunday morning and will be back home about noon. Jeff managed to win a AA doubles event one day and had a couple of carryovers that didn't quite work out.

Charlie Brown put NC on the map several times and he is one heck of a shooter! It looks like Charlie won SrVet RU with his 197 in the Saturday singles event. I hope everybody has a safe trip back and we will do a recap of Sunday's events late Sunday.

2012 Southwestern Grand - Friday
3:45PM - Looks like 78 squads for the Remington Nitro 27 Handicap - three 97's and a score of 96's top the leader board.
None of the big names are in that list so I would imagine there are more scores to come. We apologize for missing the singles this AM and will try to reacp later on tonight.

8:45PM - Mike Hessong broke a lone 98 to win the Remington Nitro 27 handicap. Mike is a FB friend and he lives in Victoria Texas. Mitch Loveless broke the lone 100 to win the Browning Class Doubles Championship.

Jeff will back shooting in the morning and let's hope that he puts up a 200 to finish out the week!

2012 Southwestern Grand - Thursday
1PM - 75 squads for event #16 Decot Shooting Glass Singles - several 100's are on the board including CO JR Ben Larson and KY Lady 1 shooter Jenna Knott.
Jeff Galloway, Charlie Brown and Bod Goodman all broke 98's in AA and Hunter Galloway had a 94 in "C" class after breaking a 96 Wednesday.

Weather looks like low 70's and there might have been some light rain earlier in the day. Hopefully we have some reports from event later on in the day!

5PM - Two 99's in the Perazzi Handicap today with 68 squads for the event. Lady 1 Jamie Becker and John Cooper posted the near perfect scores from short yardage and both are from Texas.

Charlie Brown had a 91/or92 and former NC shooter Scott Hanes showed up on the board with a 91 from the 21.

8PM - It looks like Big Leo and Harlan broke 100's in the Speedbump Stockwork Doubles. 255 doubles shooters shot with targets bumping and jumping around. Jeff Galloway had a 92 in the wind and MD shooter Gary Sutphin had a 95 in "A" Class.

The Galloway's will be doing some sightseeing Friday and might drop by the Alamo. Jeff will shoot the Championship singles Saturday and the crew will leave early Sunday morning!

2012 Southwestern Grand - Wednesday
1PM - 56 squads for event #14 Kolar handicap with squad 16 on deck. Looks like 74 degrees and mostly cloudy conditions today in San Antonio.
Event #13 Fiocchi singles are finished with 100's in AAA and one 100 in AA - a slew of 99's and a bunch of 98's. Charlie Brown broke a 99 with a 100 at the top of SrVet.

We will take a look here in a little bit as the scores trickle in from the Kolar caps. Also, word on the street is that Charlie Brown traded his K80 for a Kolar - imagine that....

2:45PM - Is it windy in Texas? Jerald Ford has the lone 96 at the top of the board. He is a 21 yarder from Oklahoma but there are still squads shooting. The question is - will that score hold up and I say no - but what do I know anyway?

Mr. Ford is a SrVet and scores are listed down to 92's at this time. Squad 57 is on the ready and it will be intersting to see if the big dogs are shooting at this time. Check back a little later to see if there are higher scores to come?

4:15PM - 99 - Mike Jordan - 27 yard line - along with one 98 and three 97's and a score of 96's. No NC shooters were on the board but you just never know once the dust settles.

We will take a look at the doubles scores once we get out of Church and hope to have some feedback from the NC crew at the SWG.

6:45PM - Event #15 Briley doubles is over with 50 squads participating. Hunter Galloway said it was hot and windy for the dubs and birds were tricky.

Two 100's topped AAA including a JR Ben Larson and Vet Robert Munson. Jeff Galloway went 50/48 for a possible AA win if in fact all the scores are in. Charlie Brown broke a 88 with the top SrVet posting a 94.

We will take a look at the scores and do an overview a little later this evening.

11:30PM - looks like Jeff did win AA dubs outright and congrats to him. No other NC shooters hit the leaderboard and we hope they show up Thursday!

2012 Southwestern Grand - Tuesday
12 noon - Event #10 David Kelly singles is well underway with 40 squads for this event. Two NC shooters and one VA shooter have posted scores on the leaderboard this morning.
Jeff Galloway and Charlie Brown posted 99's in AA with VA shooter Bob Goodman posting a 98. There are about 17 more squads scheduled to shoot and we hope their scores hold up.

We checked the weather and it was about 68 at 9AM in San Antonio and temps will rise in to the 80's today. Hunter will be out of meetings later today and will start shooting on Wednesday.

2:30PM - A lone Texan 97 is sitting at the top of the board under cloudy skies with 8mph winds SSE. The temps have only risen 8 degrees since 9AM and the caps scores are reflecting the conditions.

Jeff Doss is the lone Texan at the top and he broke that 97 from the 19 yard line. Squad 33 is on deck with a total of 44 squads for the Leo Harrison III handicap event.

No NC shooters have hit the board but there is still time left for one of them to break that magic score. Check back around 4:30 for another update!

4PM - You knew it had to happen sooner or later! Big Leo put up the lone 100 to win event #11 Leo Harrison III Handicap at the Southwestern Grand. TX shooter James Abney posted a 98 from the 22 and Utah shooter Sean Hawley matched that 98 from the 27.

Currently there are three 97's and scores of 96's including Charlie Brown's 96 in SrVet. Doubles is about to crank up and who is going to post a perfect score this afternoon?

8:30PM - What is going on in San Antonio, will somebody tell me? Big Leo wins the caps named after him with the lone 100 and then Harlan Campbell wins the doubles named after him with a perfect score!

Jeff Galloway is in a singles carryover after his 99 in AA. Charlie Brown won SrVet singles with a 99 and also won 25-26 caps with a 96.

NC is putting it up on the leaderboard and also winning - great job fellows. Hunter will be shooting Wednesday and maybe he can win a trinket or three.....!

2012 Southwestern Grand - Monday
The weather is looking good in San Antonio Texas with temps in the mid 70's and moderate wind. At this time the Prelim Caps are underway and 33 squads will take the line for the event.
Singles are done for the day and Bob Goodman (VA) is tied for the top spot in vet with a 100. Charlie Brown had a 98 in the SrVet category.

Weather all week looks good with a possibilty of rain on Saturday. We will try to keep you posted and we hope Jeff won his carryover from the Sunday singles..

3:10PM - Don Neilson just posted a 98 from the 25.5 and there are few 97's and 96's to boot. Bob Goodman broke a 93 and Charlie Brown broke a 92. It won't be long before the doubles crank up and we hope Jeff stays right in the middle of them!

8PM - It looks like Don Neilson's 98 held up and he got a yard back after his 2 yard gift from the ATA. Jeff's carryover competitor broke a 100 and Jeff's 95 in doubles was beaten by a 98 in AA.

Charlie Brown has won on his first day of competition with a 92 in doubles and another SrVet win. Bob Goodman broke 100 in the singles, 93 in caps and a 97 in doubles - great shooting Bob....

We will try to do a little better keeping up with the scores on Tuesday......
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