114th Grand American - 2013

Info about shoot dates and scores from around the nation.
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114th Grand American - 2013

Post by smokem »

114th Grand American World Trapshooting Championships - Sparta Illinois - Monday & Tuesday
@ 4:06 Tuesday - lots of 200's on Monday in the Winchester Singles Championship with VA shooter Bob Goodman being one of them. Jeff Galloway had a pair of 99's and I think Charlie Brown also had a 198.
Tuesday it looks like a patch of 99's with VA shooter Clay Floyd sitting on top of the list. Lewis Wyatt is going to get a punch with his 96 and not sure whether he will get to shootoff or not. Looks like Brad Barnett got on the board with a 93...

Hard keeping up with all of the info and all the great scores that are being broken.....

114th Grand American World Trapshooting Championships - Sparta Illinois
Saturday evening @ 10:35..... The ATA has done a great job posting the scores for the Grand and I am just now getting a chance to look at them.
Looks like 100's in singles - caps and doubles are the rule of the day. Matt Bartholow is 400 straight in singles and doubles and broke a 100 from the 27 to top it all off.

Noticed that Bill Howe got a 1/2 yard punch in one of the caps and noticed Clay Floyd was shooting good in Illinois. Also noticed that VA shooter Blair Surber broke a 98 in the caps and good to see him back shooting.

I am sure some NC shooters are in limbo on the carryovers from singles and doubles and it takes a while for all of those scores to shake out as ties are settled on a day to day basis.

Jeff Galloway made it to the Grand and broke a 95 in caps and doubles today and that is a great start after traveling and jumping off a plane. There are other NC shooters at the Grand and I am looking for their names on the leaderboard very soon. Sure hated to miss it again this year and maybe 2014 will be the year to go.

I will try to pay attention Sunday and for the rest of the Grand so check back when you can.....

114th Grand American World Trapshooting Championships - Sparta Illinois
@1:22PM Wednesday - The Grand is underway with the 1st event being the Hodgdon Powder Singles. About 30 100's and scores of 99's and 98's on the board.
Some names to mention including friend to NC Jim Blevins with a 100, 21 year old Rachel Hopkins, $100,000 winner and Federal Rep Devon Harris with 100's.

99's included Harlan Campbell, SC Delegate Jim Faber, FB friend Kaylynn Hamilton, Nora Ross and others. The live feed is showing squad 55 on the ready and that might be for the second 100 with caps and dubs to follow.

We will keep an eye on the board if we can and you can view it by going to http://www.shootata.com and look for "live feed" from the Grand......
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114th Grand American World Trapshooting Championships

Post by smokem »

114th Grand American World Trapshooting Championships - Sparta Illinois - Friday - Saturday
Saturday night @ 11:18PM - It is over and a 20.5 yard Kentucky shooter Joe Winburn has won the GAH with a 99 and a 25 in the shootoff, Not sure of all the details but there were 6 99's to sort it out.
Thursday caps and Friday caps were won with 100's from the 27. Sean Hawley on Thursday and Travis Iksic on Friday posted the perfect scores. Both of those 100's paid 10 thousand bucks. Not too bad for an hours work.

The same fellow that won the CTC on Wednesday also won the doubles championship on Friday. Anthony Fortino has had a great grand for sure.

Good news for NC shooters and it is that Jeff Galloway broke a 97 in the GAH and went 25-24-24 for 12th place in the event. He posted 394x400 and 962x1000 for awards in HOA and HAA and he is on cloud 9.

That is about it and should be more to come in the smoke report on Monday.....

Also please keep the Callan family in your prayers due to the passing of Addison's Grandmother Pat. Addison unfortunately has seen several of his young friends pass at an early age and losing your grandmother can be tough. In lieu of flowers the family would prefer a donation to the American Heart Association.

114th Grand American World Trapshooting Championships - Sparta Illinois - Wednesday & Thursday
Thursday @ 5:20 PM - Matt Bartholow broke every singles target from Wednesday of last week but the streak ended last night after dropping 1 bird in the CTC shootoff against Anthony Fortino. Not sure how many he was straight but that is some impressive shooting.
Not quite sure how NC shooters faired but I do know that Jeff Galloway went 24-24-150 for another 198 yesterday. I am getting bits and pieces of info and no pictures from the Grand that I can find.

Looking at the Crowe Shooting Supplies Handicap event today it looks like Utah shooter Sean Hawley is on top with the LONE 100. Sub-Jr Bobby Fowler has a 99 along with scores of other 99's and 98's. Tommy Freeman had a 98 and Phil Kiner had a 98 also. Chris Shoulars had a 95 in the 25-26-5 yardage group and not sure he will get to shoot extra or not.

Konne-Yaut Indian Gloria Wood looks to win the RU in LadyII and Cassie Hammond looks to win something in LadyI......Doubles is being shot I think so a lot of shootoffs will take place tonight.

114th Grand American World Trapshooting Championships - Sparta Illinois - Monday & Tuesday
@ 4:06 Tuesday - lots of 200's on Monday in the Winchester Singles Championship with VA shooter Bob Goodman being one of them. Jeff Galloway had a pair of 99's and I think Charlie Brown also had a 198.
Tuesday it looks like a patch of 99's with VA shooter Clay Floyd sitting on top of the list. Lewis Wyatt is going to get a punch with his 96 and not sure whether he will get to shootoff or not. Looks like Brad Barnett got on the board with a 93...

Hard keeping up with all of the info and all the great scores that are being broken.....

114th Grand American World Trapshooting Championships - Sparta Illinois
Saturday evening @ 10:35..... The ATA has done a great job posting the scores for the Grand and I am just now getting a chance to look at them.
Looks like 100's in singles - caps and doubles are the rule of the day. Matt Bartholow is 400 straight in singles and doubles and broke a 100 from the 27 to top it all off.

Noticed that Bill Howe got a 1/2 yard punch in one of the caps and noticed Clay Floyd was shooting good in Illinois. Also noticed that VA shooter Blair Surber broke a 98 in the caps and good to see him back shooting.

I am sure some NC shooters are in limbo on the carryovers from singles and doubles and it takes a while for all of those scores to shake out as ties are settled on a day to day basis.

Jeff Galloway made it to the Grand and broke a 95 in caps and doubles today and that is a great start after traveling and jumping off a plane. There are other NC shooters at the Grand and I am looking for their names on the leaderboard very soon. Sure hated to miss it again this year and maybe 2014 will be the year to go.

I will try to pay attention Sunday and for the rest of the Grand so check back when you can.....

114th Grand American World Trapshooting Championships - Sparta Illinois
@1:22PM Wednesday - The Grand is underway with the 1st event being the Hodgdon Powder Singles. About 30 100's and scores of 99's and 98's on the board.
Some names to mention including friend to NC Jim Blevins with a 100, 21 year old Rachel Hopkins, $100,000 winner and Federal Rep Devon Harris with 100's.

99's included Harlan Campbell, SC Delegate Jim Faber, FB friend Kaylynn Hamilton, Nora Ross and others. The live feed is showing squad 55 on the ready and that might be for the second 100 with caps and dubs to follow.

We will keep an eye on the board if we can and you can view it by going to http://www.shootata.com and look for "live feed" from the Grand......
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