2009 Daily Blurbs

The ongoing saga of the gun purchased in Boone and shot around the Country!
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2009 Daily Blurbs

Post by smokem »

Thursday December 31st, 2009
Hello 2010 – goodbye 2009! It is here and only a few more hours until 2010 is upon us! Where have the last ten years gone and gone so quickly. Personally this last 10 years have probably been the best of my life for two reasons. One being that I started back to trapshooting in 2001 and the second is having great health which is always good.
The next 10 years are going to be interesting to say the least with all of the crazy things going on in the world who knows what will happen next? I have done my best not to interject and comment on the world situation because this site is dedicated to trapshooting. I will continue to stay out of the middle of the mess and “try” to stay positive.

I will say that the sport of trapshooting and the trapshooting community have been very instrumental in keeping me out of the nuthouse. All of the friends and fellowship for the last 9 years have been the best and I wouldn’t trade a minute for all the STS lt target loads at Parks right now. We are looking forward to the 2010 trapshooting season and come on Spring.

We have lost some great shooting friends in the last ten years and I would take the time to name them all but I would probably leave some out. If I ever get the time I would like to have a thread dedicated to the shooters that have gone on and that will always be remembered. When I look at all the pictures that I have taken since 2004, there are always one or two pictures of folks that are no longer with us. Time stops for nobody and the next ten years will certainly bring the trapshooting community some sadness along the way.

It is with great sadness that I report the passing of Wes Whitworth’s wife Sylvia. I just found out about her passing today and posted the info on the NC Trapshooting – NC Clubs News. Wes and I go waaaaaaaaaaaay back and he knew my grandfather back in the day. Wes gets out to the Rock sometimes and shoots a few rounds, just watch out when he is testing ammo.

I heard from Jim Daughteridge this week and his doing well after a heart valve operation. He has been on the mend and got to do a little shooting within the last two weeks. He is excited about getting back out on the road for the 2010 trapshooting season. I would imagine that you will see him come Springtime shooting at a club near you.

I spent a little time with my friend Don Sutton on the cell today. He is looking for a MEC grabber and just recently purchased an AL-391 that he is whipping into shape. He broke a 22 the other day and was just tickled with the new smoke pole. I am hoping to haul the tail gunner down to China Grove Saturday to pickup my Beretta and do a little visiting.

I would like to wish everybody a sane, safe and sober New Years Eve and a Happy New Year from my household and also Jimmy Wilson’s household. TarHeelTrap.com won’t celebrate its 10 year Anniversary until 2012 but it has survived and flourished for the last 8. Thanks again and God Bless! HNY Lew & Lou

Thursday December 24th, 2009
Greetings from Jamestown NC and we hope that you are preparing for the arrival of old Saint Nick. For those of you that have small children and are assembling toys for them in the morning I would say been there done that.
I talked with Dave Daily today and he was heading to his daughters home in SC for the holiday. He will then travel to Florida to visit his other daughter for the New Year. Then onto Miami for two weeks and he will fly June down for a littel R&R while he works.

Jimmy Wilson was out working a bit this morning and it looks like all the folks are coming to Jimmy's for Christmas Day dinner. It looks like they will be enjoying a shoulder provided by Tim Crabtree and I am sure all the fixins will be delicious. Wonder if nana pudding is a part of a Wilson Christmas.

JC was sitting around waiting for Christmas to be over so that he can get out and shoot. He has been shooting good and feels like he needs a little trigger time to keep from getting rusty. He and I have a date at the Rock Saturday and he hopes JT shows up to give him a little competition.

Lane Murray is at Church tonight for a traditional event that finds both Hunter and Lane dressed in shepherd's outfits. Lane told me all the stuff Hunter was getting for Christmas and that youngin is one lucky little boy! Lane will probably hit the Rock Saturday also.

Tom Cox called me Wednesday and informed me that a crew was headed up to the Rock to shoot. About 8 showed up to practice in relatively nice weather and I sure hate I missed getting up there. I worked till 5 after the County released all non-essential staff at 3pm.

I noticed that John Woolsey jumped in the chatroom tonight and will be getting back in the room about 10 Thursday night. I will also be in the room about 7 in the morning in case anybody wants to share what they got from Santa.

This a wonderful time but also a time to remember all that have gone on. My grandparents were all about Christmas and my granny loved to decorate. She made rum balls that really would keep you warm on a cold winters day. Of course I didn't know what rum balls had in them and she didn't know I was getting into them. Also, I developed a taste for fruitcake of all things and there was always fruitcake around during the holiday.

My wifes parents enjoyed the holiday season and my father in law created wooden santa sleds and reindeer. I rode by a house the other day that still display the sled and reindeer during Christmas. My mother in law always did the cooking and prepared food that showed her deep Southern roots with collards and fatback meat among other types of soul food. She also made tons of yum yum balls and moist chocolate cakes.

So with the happiness associated with such a wonderful holiday there is also a little sadness knowing that we are the generation that hopefully others will remember when this time rolls around years from now. I hope you and your family have blessed Christmas eve and Christmas day and we hope to see some of you on the line in 2010.

To all that stop by TarHeelTrap.com we appreciate your patronage and we vow to bring a little bit of craziness to the web on a day to day maybe every other day basis. Take care and HoHoHo Lew & Lou!

Tuesday December 22nd, 2009
Good Tuesday morning and a very chilly morning in downtown Greensboro. Overnight it dipped down in the mid 20’s and looking forward to high 40’s today with abundant sunshine. Looks like a chance of rain on Christmas day and hopefully nice weather for the weekend.
I spent a bit of time chatting with Jimmy Wilson and it looks like the Buckhorn annual Christmas party was a good time. You already know that the food was good so I really can’t elaborate on that. He stated that several folks shot a bit of practice with the snow on the ground.

Looks like the White Hat clan played a little bit in the snow Saturday with some excellent singles scores posted and a perfect score by Bill Howe. Them mountain folks is hardy souls and nothing keeps them away from postponing a shoot – just ask Dan Johnson (inside joke). Their BIG50 shoot will open the 2010 year with and bang and I wonder how cold it will be that day on the hill?

I ran up to the Rock Sunday afternoon and the roads were in good shape until we got to the club. I got half of the pictures up last night and hope to have the rest ready for a slideshow. Anyway, it was a beautiful sight to behold and I believe the pictures will prove that statement.

When I arrived there two fellows were shooting and not hitting very many of the targets being thrown. I got out of the car and started taking pictures and walked the perimeter of the trapfields back to the clubhouse. Next time I will bring some type of sled because it would have been perfect to slide down that hill.

Tom & David Cox, Lane and JT and I were there and some of us partook in a big pot of vegetable beef soup. We got our mess ready and hit the line with the wind blowing into the trap. Needless to say I wasn’t hitting them that well but Lane and Lewis were mashing them. I believe one round Lewis broke a 22 in that swirling wind.

All in all it was a great day and only the 2nd time since I joined have I seen snow at the Rock.. I would have enjoyed being up there Friday night during that storm and waking up to take the pictures when the sun came up Saturday morning.

Have a great Tuesday and we will be posting through the Holiday hopefully.. Oh, JC finally got out of the house yesterday and went to the grocery store. I should have gone by there to pick him up Sunday so that he could have seen that snow.. HoHoHo Lew &Lou

Sunday December 20th, 2009
The sun is out and shining here in Jamestown NC. However a check of the webcams in the mountains shows another snowy day. We got about 3/4 here at the house but portions of Guilford County got 7-8 inches.
I checked on the tailgunner and he was safe warm and cozy at his house. He didn't even clean off his truck Saturday and might not get to church today. Roads are pretty much clear on the main routes but secondary roads are a bit messy.

I am going to try to get to the Rock to pick up some shooting supplies and get Lewis Wyatt some sheckles. Then drop on over to BGC to visit a bit before heading home. That is if the wife doesn't make me go to a birthday party.

Looks like Jeff Galloway killed a big deer on their farm in Caswell County a week or so ago. I was going to post the picture and still might if I do a bit of cropping to the photo. He is headed to the Panther - Vikings game today in Charlotte.

I found out that Marty Hill will be going to the Dixie Grand with the Wilson family. I know Marty will have a great time and poor Jeri is going to have to listen to Jim and Marty for 1500 miles. I am still planning on going but you never know what my job will allow.

Does it seem like Christmas to you? I had a great Thanksgiving and then the snow and I already have been to a party with Santa Claus. Oh well have a great Sunday and get out and get your Christmas shopping done. Hey Lew & Lou:)

Saturday December 19th, 2009
A wintry blast has rolled through NC. It is white and slick outside from what I can tell. We hope you are warm and dry reading this brief note this morning.
I tried to call Charlie Smith to see if they are still shooting today at Old Hickory. Sure would like to see how much snow fell at the Rock. I checked my photobucket stats and the snow at the Rock picture was number 1 with almost 2000 views.

I haven't checked on the tailgunner in awhile and might need to call him this morning. Tom Cox - Tom Brown and Lane were in the chatroom last night. Also I ran into Johnathan Eubanks on Facebook last night. He is a 27 yarder from KY and is a JR shooter. We shot with him and his brother at the Fla State shoot several years ago.

I hope everybody has a great Saturday and hope I can make it out to shoot this weekend! Take care and Hey Lou!

Friday December 11th, 2009
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is what I say and it isn’t even winter yet! I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving and looking forward to the Christmas holiday. There have been some shoots here and there and Jimmy said he would get the scores up for BGC real soon.
Ft. Bragg shoots in the morning and we wish everyone well in the chilly temps but at least it will be dryer than Sunday. The Lewis Class shoot at the Rock might be like it was last Saturday minus the deep snow! I hooked a few fish with that picture and we hope everybody had a good chuckle!

Terry Roush sent out his newsletter and I REALLY appreciate him taking the time to publish that info and post it on the web! I wonder how many other states have a document that brings us so much interesting information. Congrats to all the high average folks, points leaders, target attainer’s, AA27AA pin recipients and the list goes on!

Looking at targets totals for the year I really didn’t take the time to crunch all the numbers. With the lengthened 08 season and the shortened 09 season it will all come out in the wash in the 2010 season I hope. The economy and a lot of other factors could come to play but the last time I checked the 2010 NC shoot calendar is full of registered shoots!

I know that folks are already planning to attend the Dixie and the Southern Grand and I wonder if old Harlan will be sifting through NC come March. Let’s face it you got to pick your days to get out and shoot when it gets cold and wintry. Maybe this would be a good time to shed a few pounds and get physically ready for the 2010 shooting season. But come to think about it, the bigger boys seem to be better shooters. How many All-Americans are skinny?

I talked a little bit to Dave Daily this week and he was working in Greensboro Georgia. He was back at Myrtle Beach today and heads out to Miami Sunday for 2 weeks. JC is doing good and had to work at the auto auction Wednesday amidst the strong winds. He said he went to get in one car and gust hit him blowing him onto the passenger seat. He commented that he was sure glad it wasn’t a stick shift.

I haven’t heard anything out of the boys in Boone. Things get quiet and lonesome up on the mountain this time of year. Morg has dropped out of site and heard he had grown a full beard and moustache. Tom Shelley has started a Bed & Breakfast Inn called Buns & Guns, right in time for the ski season. Pitts is sitting ciphering state points and hasn’t he done a great job this year!! And yes you know who is next and that is King George. King George was the state high average leader for 2009 and shot 6300 targets which is about 6700 less than he shot in 2008. However he did it you got to know he is tickled to death that he did – just ask him!

I would take some time to give Jimmy Wilson a little grief but I am afraid he would hurt me. BGC as a club hurled a bunch of targets and fed a bunch of people last season. That little log cabin evidently is filled with bunk beds for the folks that help Jimmy run the shoots. He is a real slave driver and after everybody is gone the faithful return to the cabin until the next shoot!! Sounds good doesn’t it but really seriously they really get the job done!

I will take some time to say that we are missing a couple of folks around this time of year. Dan Johnson is up in PA hunting and probably harassing another group of individuals if he can get by with it! Maybe he will send somebody a Christmas card or post something that is flattering about Jimmy Wilson or something! And, this will be our 1st Christmas without Lou – I am getting a little misty. Lou, we know you wish you were in NC (with FL weather) and we miss you too! But you might be seeing some of us at the Dixie so cheer up and I can wait to get my Christmas present then!

Phillip Putnam sent me the scores for Gastonia and when I figure out who won I will post the scores. We appreciate everybody that took the time to either send me the scores or posted them on the site. It is great to be able to sit back in the comfort of your own home and read a shoot report to see who shot what. My favorite thing is seeing the ## and the nsr’s when the conditions are really bad. Come on folks I have shot some bad scores also, don’t be afraid to let us post your terrible score!!

Well, we are going to have to hit the road and we have the pleasure of keeping Zach tonight at the house. We bought a Wii game console and I would imagine that we will be up to 3 am playing some kind of game – pray for me! We hope everybody has a great weekend and I hope that Lewis Wyatt will have something to read Saturday morning when he sips his tea and dunks his crumpets. WhasamataLou?

Saturday November 28th, 2009
The weekend is here and two days before we get back to the grindstone. It was great spending time with the family and we had tons of great food to share.
JC cooked for his son and grandson and he was looking forward to getting out of the house on Saturday. Dave Daily is in Indiana and said his brother was hunting in PA. They had four inches of snow on the ground and looking for more.

Just when you think you have it good you find out that the Roush family is in Florida! I don't know if they are still in Florida but man what a life. Maybe they get to see Lou once in awhile.

Gastonia has a beautiful day to shoot today and Sunday looks even better for the Buckhorn shoot Sunday. I want to apologize to the folks at Old Hickory@Bostic for missing their shoots that they published. We will try to do better in the near future.

We are looking forward to posting the 2010 shoot schedule just as soon as it it published. It will also be interesting to see the info that Terry Roush publishes at the end of the year. The number of tragets shot in North Carolina is my question?

We hope everybody has a great weekend and we hope to get scores from the NC shoots by Sunday evening..

Happy Thanksgiving From TarHeelTrap.com
Gobble, gobble gobble and a good foggy morning to you. Deer hunters are sitting in the fog this morning in NC. I opened up the blinds and I can't even see my neighbors house much less a deer.
Yes it is that time of year again and a time to reflect on all the things we can be thankful for. Good health is at the top of my list and we hope everybody in our trapshooting family is feeling great today!

I really appreciate all of the folks that make up our shooting community and can't wait to get out a little more in 2010. As I look at pictures that I have taken over the years I find shooters that are no longer with us. Their families remain and still celebrate Thanksgiving without their loved ones.

So when you gather around the table today to break bread and give thanks, remember those that have gone on. I hope you have a great holiday weekend and don't eat too much.

Jimmy Wilson and I would like to thank everybody that visits this website and also the clubs and individuals that contributed to TarHeelTrap.com. I would also like to thank Terry Roush for his work maintaining NCTrap.com.

And I don't want to forget and thank all of the clubs in NC for holding trapshoots all through the year. Also, the state association and the HOF for their efforts.

On a lighter note JC Nunn got a reduction to the 19 yard line. They were giving him a hard time at the club the other day and he said when you get to be a 100 years old you get to shoot on the 19!! Hey Lou I am alive:-)

Friday November 13th, 2009
The skies are finally clearing here in NC just in time for Trapshooting in our fine state. There are three events with Durham County and Rockingham on Saturday and Old Hickory@Rocky Mount on Sunday. We unfortunately won’t be able to attend due to a commitment to a 5.5 year old to take him to Spencer. Hopefully we will be able to get scores for all locations in a timely manner.
I know that most of you are getting ready for the holiday season and Christmas is right around the corner. We appreciate the efforts of the Buckhorn GC and their Toys 4 Tots held each year. Hopefully we will get an updated picture of all the toys that were delivered this year. Looking at another topic how about that Gail Page and her 96 on Saturday. The fellow that broke the other 96 didn’t fall under her “MOJO” spell that she was doling out as shooters were going down the line! Before long Gail and Jeri will have something in common as Dan would lovingly say – She’s the man:)

Boone had an odd weather day Saturday for the chicken wing fling. I heard that is was a bit windy which kept the targets low and flat. Of course with the time of year and the angle of the sun targets can look a bit different. All in all they had a good shoot and poor Tom Pitts was worn out by the time he got to BGC on Sunday. I took a picture of him in the ref stand just relaxing before the doubles. I have promised to get back to Boone in 2010, lot’s of great memories up in that valley.

I was twisting through my address book the other day and ran across Jim Hughes email info. I dropped him a line and he was nice enough to respond. He and his wife moved to Charlotte and their son is a freshman at Elon College this year. He hasn’t been shooting and wanted me to tell everybody hello. Hopefully he will return to shooting at some time in the near future.

JC Nunn started out like a madman Saturday at the Lewis Class shoot at the Rock. We bought him one of those hairy visor hats with the racing stripes and he broke 50 hard with the furry lid on. Wouldn’t you know it he put it in the truck and his 2nd 50 wasn’t so solid? JC and I shot caps together and he asked David Cox what post he was on. JC is a tad bit hard of hearing and David said post 3. JC looked at me in unbelief and said I got a yard for 4 bucks (JC thought Dave said he was on the 23) when it all shook out I told him he was on the 22 yard line on post 3. He laughed and said ok and we commenced to pounding. I posted a picture of him in front of the Greek restaurant Hella’s at the Dixie in 2008 – that fella has been everywhere.

Folks are already thinking about the Dixie Grand 2010 and you never know who will wind up riding down there. Now that Lou is in Florida it gives me a valid excuse to make a 1400 mile round trip to shoot, eat at Hella’s, get fudge, get soap and honey bell oranges on the way back home. I have shot some good scores at the Silver Dollar and the new manager is doing a great job from what I hear. If you have never been to Odessa you need to go and try it out!

My mom just called from Morehead City and she said the wind was really howling on the coast of NC. She asked me about trees being down and I haven’t heard much about that. I know Hunter Galloway’s power was out the other morning and we haven’t had any issues in our neighborhood. I did hear about a young lady dying when a tree fell on her car. Her 2 year old survived thank goodness and our prayers are with the family.

Well that is about it for this morning and like I said before we hope to have scores to report by sometime Sunday. If somebody could get the scores from Rocky Mount that might be the only way I will get them. Stay safe and be careful while traveling to and from the club!

Friday October 30th, 2009
By the time you read this the Fall Shoot at the HG should be well underway. Weather is looking good for the three day event and we hope to have some scores by Friday night.
James "Batman" Wilson got up there today and stated that Charlie Brown, Larry High, Bill Keever, Roush's and others had already arrived. Others will arrive in the morning including the Galloway's with Jeff shooting the Friday 300 target program.

Lane Murray slid up to the Rock today for a little clay therapy. He is shooting rather well as of late and possibly he will make it back to shoot this weekend. JC was out cutting his grass today and doing some chores around the house.

Hunter Galloway stated that Ken Duncan might not make it to the HG and will be undergoing some tests. We hope he is ok and good luck on the testing we will be praying for him.

Looking past the Fall Shoot we have the "Chicken Wing Fling" at Watuaga the 7th, Rock Lewis Class shoot the 7th and Toys 4 Tots at Buckhorn the 8th. We hope to get the programs posted in the next few days.

We noticed a post by cy-kick on trapshooters.com regarding a two day hunting/shooting event at the Pinehurst #8 golf course - former site of the old Pinehurst GC. Looks like a great time and a shooting exhibition by Tom Knappe. The exhibition is free to the public and starts at 3pm on Saturday. I will try to post the link to the website if I get around tuit. The jist is to give honor to Annie Oakley and the Old Pinehurst GC RIP.

I took a little time to use Google street view to virtually ride down the old Gun Club road to the dead end where the old Pinehurst Gun Club used to be. Very interesting for sure and sad also that the club is no longer there!

As I am typing this blurb I am watching them stinking Yankees try to beat the Phillies in game two. The Annie Oakley shoot was around this time and maybe even earlier in the month of October. We used to stay in a bed and breakfast place in the Pinehurst village and it was an old three story home.

We rented a room that had 4 single beds and 1 bathroom. Normally it would be me, my youngest son, JC Nunn and my grandfather. One night JC got to snoring so loud I let out a big yell to get him reset and maybe to quit snoring. That was a bad idea because he woke up, swung his legs off the the bed and proceeded to smoke two cigarettes before going back to sleep.

There was one TV in the place and it was in the big living room of the old home. I remember Mr. October Reggie Jackson in his hayday getting it done while viewing that one tv with golfers from VA and parts North of the Mason Dixon line.

I remember the smell of bacon and eggs drifting up the stairs of that old home and knowing that I would be pulling and scoring at one of the nicest gun clubs in the country. Those were some great times and some great memories for sure!

Well that is enough of that old timey stuff and a good portion of the folks reading this never made it to the PGC. I am certainly proud of the new Homegrounds and it is truly a wonderful place to gather and shoot!

We hope everybody has a great weekend and we hope to get out and practice a little bit this weekend! So until we write again - toot a Lou:-)

Wednesday October 28th, 2009
Humpday is here again and everybody is getting ready for Halloween. Sure put some rain down last night here in Greensboro and how about that rock slide on I-40 - wow.
Fall shoot at the HG Friday - Sunday and I wonder if folks will be trick or treating in the campground? Can you imagine Jimmy Wilson showing up on your door looking for candy in a spandex Batman costume carrying a plastic pumpkin?

Anyway I am sure everybody will have a great time and please somebody take some pictures! Also, if somebody could take a picture of the winner cards that they hang up in the window that would be great also. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words especially when grass is involved.

If you were looking for a program for the shoot to arrive in the mail - well I don't know if any were sent out? Terry Roush put together a web version and posted it on NCTRAP.com and we put it out on tht.com. 800 target program with an added caps event on Saturday evening.

Had the pleasure of chatting with Australian Olympic gold medalist Russell Mark a night or so ago. We communicate with him on Facebook and he is in Beijing China competing in the World Championships. 12 shooters from around the world and two Americans are shooting from what he said. He will be in the USA June 2010 for four weeks and we hope to meet him somewhere in the NC mountains.

We got to sit on the departments mobile command post Tuesday in response to a chemical spill off I-85. That bus is fully equipped with tv, computer access and a coffee pot. We got to meet the head guy with the SHP for this region and he really appreciated us bringing the bus out in support of the event.

We want you to add a person to your prayer list and to the prayers lists of your local Church. John Woolsey ran into Mark Lane at a local gun store and gave John some news. Mark has been diagnosed with lung cancer and is undergoing some tests and that is about all I know. We will try to get a few more details and if you get a chance to email or call him I am sure he would be glad to hear from you.

Well - have a great Wednesday and maybe we can get a few more tidbits of info to pass along sometime this week.

Saturday October 10th, 2009
The sun is just a shining here at Myrtle Beach South Carolina. We are expecting high temps and high humidity today at the beach! I know that clubs around the state are getting targets set and getting ready for folks to break some clay.
My vacation started out pretty good until I found out that I evidently stirrred up a hornets nest regarding the posting of pictures and comments I made about the grass at the Homegrounds.

I would imagine that my name and comments are being bandied about possibly even as I type this blurb. I really don't have a dog in the fight and was just merely expressing my personal opinion about the grass standing in front of the trapline.

Last night I took more of my vacation time to sanitize tarheeltrap.com and also trapshooters.com removing the picture of trap four and my comments referring to the grass as being thick. One bit of trivia however and that is the picture of trap 4 is 2nd most viewed pictures in my photobucket account.

The "official" explanation about why the grass wasn't cut is that it was too wet to get heavy equipment into the trap line. That is their story and they are sticking too it. So, we removed the pictures and the comments and we hope that this all dies down soon.

Now hopefully we can go back to doing what we do best and that is promoting the sport of trapshooting in the state of North Carolina. When we started this website in 2002 we hoped we could shed some light on the sport and report shoot scores in a timely manner. The single thread that we maintain on ts.com gets our state info out on a national level and have actually got feedback from shooters shooting in NC due to my info being posted.

I donate my time and efforts to promote the sport and I really like doing it for the most part. If I went away I would imagine that trapshooting would continue to chug on like it did before I came back to the sport in 2001. My guess is that somebody would carrry the baton and get the word out about this great sport in our fine state.

Terry Roush has mainatained a great site for many years and we refer to nctrap.com as the "official" NC trapshooting website. He cranked up the digital image of the state shooting scene early on and we have tried to compliment his efforts and he does a great job for sure!

Anyway back to the beach trip briefly. Ate at Tbonz at broadway at the beach for lunch and we suggest that you eat there when in the area. Also did a little shopping and bought the tailgunner a hairy visor hat that you just got to see. We traveled to North Myrtle Beach and wound up at Pawley's Island for seashell gathering. Also ate at Drunken Jack's in Murrell's inlet and had the shrimp and grits and yes it was good. Then we raided Food Lion and got supplies to make banana split's with all the ingredients! Not sure about the plans for today but I am sure shopping will be involved somewhere.

I hope everybody has a great day and we hope to be headed back to Greensboro about noon on Sunday. This blurb will be moved into the archives by midnight tonight so enjoy. Hey Lou how hot is it in Florida.

Friday October 9th, 2009
Good morning from Myrtle Beach atop the 10th floor penthouse in the Ocean Blue properties. I got up early to see the sunrise and I wasn't dissapointed. The water was calm and scores of small boats were anchored right off the beach fishing. At this time of year the crowd is down but the faithful early morning walkers were hitting their stride.
I am sipping a cup of coffee wating for everybody to get up and start their day! I hate that I won't be able to shoot this weekend but the beach will just have to do!

I heard from Lou down in Florida and he seems to be doing good and I think he misses "us". Sometimes I look over my pictures and see Lou sitting on a bench at the HG thinking and studying the trap. I don't know when I will get to see him again - maybe in January or March at the Silver $.

Dave Daily is heading to PA due to June's momma being sick. Jim Daughteridge is hopefully on the mend and I hope to have a report as soon as I can contact him. Ted Bigelow is hopefully doing ok and maybe I can call him to see how he is doing.

There are quite a few shoots between now and the end of the year and one of my favorites is the Ted Smith shoot. Ted and my grandfather shot and worked together at the Buckhorn Gun Club years ago. I wonder what Chef Tim and Chef Andrew will be cooking up this year. Jeri will probably have her famous nana pudding if Jimmy doesn't raid the kitchen.

It is getting harder and harder to type looking at this ocean I am running out of things to talk about! Oh, JC is doing fine and will be at the Rock either Saturday or Sunday. He works one day a week at the auto auction and really likes his buddies at work! I hope they have a good turnout for National Trapshooting Day and the Red Dot Powder Shoot. Hopefully the new PAT on two will work great!

If you have ever considered buying a mini laptop now is the tme to do it. This is an ACER and the new Dell mini seems to be the way to go. 8.1 inch screen is a little small so get some good reading glasses! I am sitting on the balcony with the ocean breezes flowing through my hair on the sides of my head!

I thought that Dan would jump in and comment on Big Jims HOF HOA win and the addition of the diamond to his huge chunk of gold ring! He might be busy hunting and keeping Mary straight. I miss sneaklng up on Mary and taking pictures. If looks could kill when she realized I took her picture I would have been dead a long time ago.

Tommy Brown has been shooting great as of late and it seems ever since he bought his Seitz at the VA State Shoot. With JC and him on your squad you had better have some eyedrops ready to get the dust out of your eyes! He will probably be at the Rock this weekend.

Well - all good things must come to an end. The crew is up and now we must go eat eggs, sausage, pancakes, biscuits and gravy at the Greek breakfast restaraunt. Oh did I mention fresh coffee and cream?

Have a great Friday and we hope the rain holds off for the Saturday shoots. TNX for the email LOU

I Can't Believe It's A Blurb:-) October 7th,2009
Good morning from downtown Greensboro North Carolina. It has been quite a while since I have broken bread with the trapshooting brethren. A LOT of stuff has been happening around NC and I have failed miserably in reporting it. I must and will do better because my faithful readership has spoken out asking for more. And just think, all I have had is two cups of coffee!
Some of the best news to report is the MID50 Pot getting busted at the Coharie Shooting League. Young Marine Joe Brumfield from Camp Lejeune got it done and finally somebody broke Mac’s piggybank. I appreciate Mac taking the time to write up the story and actually sent me a picture to boot. According to the ATA website Joe hails from Indiana and sure glad to have him spreading lead in NC. Also, noticed that Martin Milano slipped East to gain a few NC points for his efforts!

Looks like a lot of shooting going on this weekend from the mountains to the sea, well not quite that far. Shoots at Durham, Buncombe, Rockingham and the Charlie Smith Open featuring both trap and skeet in a non registered format! I wish everybody well and I need your help getting scores from Buncombe and Durham if possible. Even if you could take a picture of the scores and send it to me I would appreciate it!

Many of you know that even though I look so young I have been around this great sport for 45 years. There were some lapses in time I know but I was either shooting or thinking about shooting since 1964. Back in the day when factory reps worked the shoots we ran into some real characters. Bill Flynn was the Remington rep and Don Sutton was the Winchester rep. Not many of you remember loading Winchester papers or shooting a Winchester 1400 Auto – but I do. If you loaded a Win paper too many times when you shot the gun it looked like confetti coming out of the tube.

That brings me to Don Sutton and what he meant to trapshooting back in the day. I remember winning the NC State Jr title at the Tarheel Gun Club in Advance NC. Not only did I win the trophies that were given by the ATA back then (Pin & Cuff Links) I also got certificates from the rep that represented the shells and gun I was shooting. Yes, I still have those in my scrapbook and no I am not a “hoarder” like the poor folks on A&E.

When I returned to shooting in 2001 I took some time to look folks up that I had shot with through the years. It is sad that I didn’t find Billy Jenkins before he passed away in High Point. There are others also that I missed before they went on but one fellow I found was Don Sutton. At the time I called him he was still in China Grove NC and I believe owned a Pawn Shop if my memory serves me correctly.

Lo and behold several months ago I got an email or maybe it was trapshooters.com regarding someone that knew me and his login was “tarheel”. Jimmy Wilson and I tried to figure out who this “tarheel” guy was and I did a search for his email address that netted a picture that I didn’t immediately recognize. I gave up and finally he informed me that it was Winchester rep Don Sutton.

We spent time on the phone talking about old times and he informed me that he wanted to do a little shooting and that was about it. After a few more conversations we realized that he had a few health issues and also guns that were shall we say prone to pound you with recoil? I suggested loaning him my remaining AL-391 to see if that suited him better. We agreed to meet at the Cracker Barrel in Lexington to get him the gun. It might be safe to say that we hadn’t seen each other in about 20 years. We met and he has been getting used to the gun ever since. He decided to buy a 391 and got it last week sometime and has had some trigger issues that are soon to be fixed. I really hope that we can get together and shoot and who knows he might even show up at a registered shoot in the near future.

By now you are wondering where I am going with this? Recently I asked Don if he had any old pictures from the old Pinehurst Gun Club and he said only one when he won the Annie Oakley HOA in 69? I thought that was interesting and decided to go to the scrapbook. In 1969 I broke a 98 in the Annie Oakley Handicap and was in a shootoff with Marion Erwin. Don won the HOA that same week/end and when I pulled the article from Trap&Field there we were. My picture with Marion on the left and Don and the Gun Club managers wife on the right. Even after all these years I didn’t remember much about him winning the HOA and he probably didn’t remember me winning the caps.

I guess the moral of the story is that you never really forget the folks from your past that were either nice to you or very helpful. I am glad to say that we have reconnected after all these years and both have one thing in common – we both love to smell gun powder. Don’s login on tarheeltrap.com is tarheel so drop him a PM to say hello.

Ok – sure had a great time at the HOF a week or so back. I didn’t shoot that good but some folks managed to pick those OD birds out of that dense thick foliage. My favorite part was the tiny black flea like bugs that were attracted to light colored clothing. JC was trying to swat them off my gun vest and shirt and wound up smacking me in the chin! The banquet was great and we hope you enjoyed the pictures that we posted from the 4 days of shooting. The picture I posted of trap 4 is the second most viewed picture on my photobucket account. The picture with the most hits –well you will have to keep reading to find out what that was!

As mentioned awhile back the Rockingham Gun Club just installed a new PAT trap in trap 2 which gives the Rock 5 PATS. They have also purchased 3 fields of ERADS and hope to purchase another set in the near future. I finally got my ERAD setup like all of the newer ones and hope to use it in the near future around the state. I just wished they had a bigger readout because I can’t see those tiny letters and numbers.

The number one most viewed picture that I posted on the internet is? It is the picture of the famous Richard – RC,KK,TN Colley and the hairy cap that he posed with at the Rock! Yep is number 1 and full of number 2 if you catch my drift!

I hope everybody has a great week/end and we are looking forward to some great scores posted on tarheeltrap.com!!

Tuesday August 25th, 2009
Well it is official! Lou Carter is heading South to the land of oranges and the Silver Dollar Gun Club. I have grown to be dissapointed over the years and this just adds to the list! 1st Dan Johnson went North, Dave Daily went East and now Lou heads South!
Lou came onto the NC trapshooting scene and I quickly realized that this man had a wealth of trapshooting knowledge. He not only knew how to shoot he could set targets and was found to score here and there!

When Jimmy Wilson told me the news I was not believing my ears. We were going to lose the shooter that taught Dan Johnson everything he knows! Lou we appreciate your time with us in NC and we will be coming to visit you in Fla.

I think the real reason you are leaving is because I quit spewing out my daily blurb. Now with you gone to Fla it might inspire me to keep you up to date in your new Southern home!

Just a few quick notes before I hit the sack and one is that Ted Bigelow is under the weather and the last I heard in crtical care. The email was sent out late last week and if anybody has more info please let me know!

It looks like Ft. Bragg had a good turnout and I see that Mac made it out of Clinton for an event. The Buckhorn guys knotted up for the singles, Tom Brown won the caps and I beleive Marty "Ice Cream" Hill won the doubles. Also, Tom Brown is really liking that Seitz and good riddance to the Kolar combo.

I actually made it out to shoot some practice and the tailgunner cut me no slack. He broke 25/23 in singles and smoked 25 in caps on the post before me. When he came off the line he commented - did you see me smoking those dudes? Elmo's daughter is coming along right nicely and broke a score in the 20's Sunday. All that training Elmo is doing is paying off - looks like!

Lane Murray has bought a Ljutic and is getting that gun tuned in. He is expecting a tube back from Briley and we will see what that work brings. He put a piece of moleskin on the stock which lasted just a few shots. That left a layer of adhesive that created some issues with him cheeking the gun. He will get it figured out and when he does - look out.

I may have mentioned Don Sutton the Winchester factory rep from days gone by. We met him to let him borrow my remaining AL-391. He shot the gun several times and was amazed by the lack of recoil. His stamina is not that good at the moment and this gun might allow him to get his swing back in shape.

We got to shoot with Paul Dyson over the weekend and it looks like Paul has the fishing bug! Paul quit shooting registered targets several years ago and owns three boats stored in two different places. I could have owned three boats also with all the $$ I spent on shooting since 2001. I just don't think I would have had that much fun hauling slimey fish out of the water:-)

Two shoots in NC this weekend with Buncombe shooting Saturday and Buckhorn hosting a two-day event Saturday and Sunday. Buncombe is a great place to shoot and I hope they have a decent turnout. BGC is hosting the Tootaloo Lou Shoot this weekend with some rather catchy event names. Food on the grounds Saturday night and that is always a good time!

Some of you knew that I went to PA for the 90th Konne-Yaut Indain Powow. I was only able to compete for the pale face trophies and managed to win runner-up singles, handicap and the doubles. The caps award was a custom sheath knife and the doubles award was a two blade pocket knife and both knives were engraved. The knives were made by the Queen Cutlery Company in Titusville PA. I am already looking forward to the trip next year. In 2011 the Bradford Gun Club will host the four day event! I promise that I will shoot better in 2010 than I did in 2009!

That is about all I have to offer at the moment and we hope everybody has a great Tuesday. One more thing and that is Dave Daily might be able to make it for the 1st day of So Long Lou Shoot. I hope that some of the Boone Cartel roll down the hill to take their whipping!

Weather for the weekend is looking like 86 both days and and ptly cldy skies with a chance of afternoon t-storms. That means that it will be a great weekend to shoot in NC!

August 14th, 2009

Currently I am looking at the Atlantic Ocean from my 8th floor oceanfront room. We are on 21st Avenue and just a walk away from the original River City Cafe.
This was just a quick trip to celebrate my 54th birthday and my 24th wedding anniversary, heck even our Lexus RX300 turns 10 this month! Would I have rather been at the Grand with the tailgunner - mmm I will plead the 5th!

Grand info has been good with Chris Shoulars getting NC on the board early with a handicap jr runnerup win after a shootoff. I have seen Charlie Browns name on the board and I might need to check again. Also the CTC netted Jeff Galloway, Charlie Brown and Billy Thigpen breaking 198's with Bill Howe and Terry Roush breaking 196's I think. Looks like our VA neighbors shot well including John Dumas, Ted Carwile and Blair Surber.

In case you haven't been following the story on Dave Shaffer, here is a little info. Dave Shaffer (according to the fellow on ts.com) has broken the record established by Earl Scripture for consecutive singles targets broken(2167). Now I won't confrim this other than to say I will provide more details in the future. Dave "SLAB" Shaffer not only has an amazing average for 4500 targets he has also broken 2200 consecutive singles targets. He is tied with Denis Bringleson for the CTC after already breaking 500x500 shootoff targets and will continue Saturday night. That is some kind of shooting for a plumber from VA.

Old Hickory@Rocky Mount will host a two-day shoot in memory of Walter Gorman this weekend. According to Jimmy Wilson the club will have their "THIRD" trap finished by their next registered shoot! Bill Weaver posted that some added incentives and trophies would be provided for the lucky winners. Roger Bynum will be cooking Saturday night for the shooters and I would imagine the food will be delicious.

Rockingham will be hosting their monthly Lewis Class (non-registered) shoot Saturday and we hope folks will come out for 100 targets of fun. The club just voted to allow the purchase of another PAT trap which will increase the number to 5. Also the board ok'd the purchase of three sets of ERAD's for the club. That will give the staff some flexibility to leave traps for practice while competition is going on.

Don Kaufman is headed to the Cardinal Classic and we wish him well. Currently Don has been trying to get his gun tuned in and maybe just maybe the magic will happen in Ohio. I just got off the phone and Don is already there relaxing! Lucky rascal!

The "White Hats" at OHR&PC@Bostic have been yakking about folks coming up the hill to give them a run for their money. The 22nd of August has been set aside for this event and we hope some team can roll up there and send the White Hats - packing. It would be a great story to write up especially if I was there!

Here is something to think about when shooting with wired voice calls. We are blessed to shoot in a state that has a homegorund that uses ERAD technology. Buckhorn has also implemented the use of ERADS and Rockinham GC will soon follow. Nothing can be more frustrating to have a CVR that doesn't work. If ref isn't quick on the button a frustrated shooter can bang, bend, yell and cuss out 10 targets in one episode. Also, most refs forget that they could push the button for the shooter to keep the flow of the squad going. Now if the CVR is messed up get it off the line. You paid good money to shoot and bad equipment needs to be replaced and quick.

Also we have a new breed of shooter that has a call that a CVR won't recognize and you cannot convince them that their call is the problem. The entire squad can shoot the post and that one poor fellow (must be a conspiracy) struggles and holds the entire squad/shoot up until it gets fixed. Then you think it is just that field and yep you guessed it the problem has followed the fellow to the next three fields? Just a point to ponder - Pull!

I am already looking forward to the HOF this year and the induction of Ray Gaultney. The handicap and doubles shooting phenom of the NC Trapshooting. The smoke ball producing magician with an 1100 in his hands. He brings back memories of Jack King and his Dr. Scholls modified 1100's. I need to search my archives for pictures I have taken of him through the years. Anyway it should be a funtime had by all and I think my mother might even attend this year come to the banquet!

I am sipping my coffee slowly this morning and the wife is sleeping in. I won't take long to say this but I have really fallen off the wagon this year. I need to get back on the band wagon for the new shooting season and get it together. Something has changed in my shooting and it might be that I haven't been shooting much. When you go from 15k to 9k to 4k your scores could suffer? However there are folks that shoot less targets than 4K a year and shoot good everytime they step to the line. I am going to go see the eye doctor just to be sure my vision is good and then we will hit the pattern board and go from there!

I don't know if any of your remember the Winchester Rep Don Sutton. Don sent me a PM on trapshooters.com and we have been communicatiing ever since. He has had some health issues and hopefully is on the mend. We met him a few days ago in Lexington and I loaned him my remaining AL-391 to try out to see if the recoil was light enough that he could shoot it comfortably. He was amazed and now he has got to have one! Don was the rep during my glory days as a subjr/jr in the late 60's and early 70's. I still have Winchester shooting certificates in my scrapbook that were signed and presented by him. Hopefully we will see him out shooting registered targets again - Lord willing.

I am hoping to meet and go out to eat with Dave Daily and his wif tonight while we are at the beach If you are considering knee replacement you really need to talk to Dave. He had both replaced and he is now straight-legged. I need to dig up a before and after picture to show the difference. If I had knee replacement I would be 3 inches taller!

So, that is about it for this installment of BS. We are going to strive to at least post something of substance once every week. I might have to do some digging and I have been know to dig. Have a great weekend and good luck and be safe if you are shooting this weekend. Hey Lou - missed me? (FR)

Friday July 3rd, 2009

Friday is here and I am off work but still on call. Sitting here in the recliner with the mini Acer using wireless and sipping a cup of coffee from a starbucks coffee cup!
Looks like Charlie Brown shot good at the Maryland State according to Jimmy Wilson. I would imagine that he is at the VA State Shoot and is competing today.

Scores of NC shooters are headed to VA as mentioned in my Wednesday blurb. I just found out that Tommy Brown is also headed up to VA and it will be the first time he has attended that shoot. Good luck to all of the NC shooters attending.

I confirmed that JC Nunn's birthday is the 13th of June. We might have to wait until the Zone to celebrate his 86th birthday. We will try to get him a cake and have the birthday song between the 100's on Saturday. We hope that you will be able to help us sing the birthday song for the hall of famer.

Hopefully we will get some feedback from VA and Tom Pitts will post the Boone info sometime Monday. We might give Tom a call Saturday evening to get the highlights of the day.

Have a great Holiday 4th weekend and we will post info from VA and Boone as soon as we get it. Hey Lou - where are you?

Wednesday July 1st, 2009

Hello everybody and we are approaching the 4th of July Holiday weekend. Folks are prepping to travel to the VA State shoot and it looks like NC will be well represented this weekend. Of course the KY State shoot is also this week and we have fond memories of the heat in Berea.
For those of you wanting to stay close to home there is shooting available in the State of NC. The Watauga Gun Club in Boone NC will be hosting a two day shooting event and we hope they have a great turnout. George – Tom and Morgan put on a great shoot every time they open the gates at WGC.

The Elmo Matkins Classic was a great success with some new faces attending and some other faces missing in action. Overall there were some great scores broken across the board and some daily middle 50’s collected. Several shooters posted 49’s and oh so close to hitting the MID50. Scott Hanes shot consistently all weekend and managed to pretty much outshoot the field over 2 days of shooting. Elmo had his family and friends come out for some food and great fellowship.

Hunter and Jeff Galloway made a trip to the Cardinal Center in Morengo Ohio for the Ohio State Shoot. They had a great time and said the facility was top notch in all respects. Jeff broke a 198 in the Saturday singles and a 97 in the twins on Sunday. It looks like a cold front pushed through about noon and created some real issues for the shooters with heavy winds blowing across the complex. There are several threads on trapshooters.com regarding this fine facility and some interesting reading.

How about Big Leo Harrison breaking out a can of (__whip__) on the field at Morengo. That fellow is unreal and could he be known and the greatest living trap shooter on the face of the earth?? There are also threads about his shooting accomplishments at the Cardinal Center on trapshooters.com. I watched him shoot at the Southern Grand with Dave Shaffer and he is fun to watch making those ink balls.

I have a little trip planned next week to the state of Pennsylvania and it will be the first time I have ever competed in that state. We are looking forward to it and the only negative about the situation is that I might not get to go to the Zone the next weekend. We have a big event at the Church and I don’t think I can go AWOL on that event.

JC Nunn has a birthday coming up this month and the young fellow will turn 86. I need to check on the exact date and it might be during the week of the Zone. Maybe somebody can get him a birthday cake and I have the candles that I used at the Zone in SC. The candles I have are for a person that is 100 years old and that was the joke in SC. We had a shooter in SC miss the joke and actually thought that JC was 100 and couldn’t believe he was shooting so good for a man of his age!

It looks like the Infinity Raffle to benefit the NC Home grounds is doing well. Looking at a thread on trapshooters.com it seems that another raffle for a similar gun fell on hard times and the money refunded to the ticket buyers. We appreciate the efforts of Bob Schultz and I know that the funds raised will go to help maintain our top notch facility.

Have a great week/end and have a fun 4th!!

Thursday June 18th, 2009

Good morning and it looks like a drier day here in Greensboro NC. With all of the rain I would imagine the mowers are really working at the local clubs.
If you have tried to call the tailgunner and got a phone out of order message - don't fret. AT&T was charging him for functions that he didn't even use and he told them to come get it. He should be back up and running with Time Warner the 19th. Give him a call at 336-375-3297 and tell him I sent you!

Three shooting events this weekend in NC with Ft. Bragg and Old Hickory@Bostic offering traditional 300 target programs. The Rock will host their monthly Lewis Class shoot Sunday with a start time of 1PM. You won't see me at any of these events because I will be elsewhere. Hopefully we will get the scores posted as soon as they are available.

I have been sifting through about 300 pictures I took at the NC State Shoot. I have pictures of a bunch of folks and didn't capture any folks sleeping this year. I will get them up on photobucket soon.

I did buy a movie camera that uses SDRAM and is a tiny package. I will be able to film folks shooting and interviews with prominent shooters that can be posted on the internet. That is going to be fun and I can't wait to start getting some footage.

Looks like the shell manufacturers are testing out offering rebates to shell buyers. Some of the details are posted on ts.com and hopefully it will save some of us some money. I think I will just buy Federal 4-packs and skip all the stamps.

July is going to be a busy month for me with a trip to Pennsylvania a week before the Zone. I will fill you in after I get back for the PA outing. It will be the first time I have shot in that state. I would imagine that the Zone will be well attended and I will only get to shoot the last two days.

I had the pleasure of eating lunch with the Roush family a week or so ago. I gave Terry a thumb drive with all my pictures on it with hopes that he would use one of my pictures to update NCTRAP.com. We talked about all the great scores that were broken at the state shoot and one name popped up in the conversation.

Three years ago John Woolsey won 3rd place in the NC Handicap and shot the event by himself on a one man squad. Skip to 2009 and John Woolsey captured 3rd and had to shootoff to secure his spot. A lot of things have transpired since his win three years ago and one issue is that John has lost about 60 pounds. He is well on his way to losing even more weight or at least maintaining his current weight. He also was in a shootoff with Connie Bell for State C Singles and Connie wound up on top of that in that event. John is a real inspiration to folks that really need to think about their overall health. We are really proud of him and keep it up JW.

Have a great Thursday and if we get any info to post we will get it published. Until then just keep on keeping on:-) Hey Lou I got some pictures of you:-)

Tuesday June 16th, 2009

It is a raining again and sure glad I don't have to shoot in this mess. I guess you are asking where have I been and I have been busy. I took a lot of lip about not posting on a daily basis and I must admit, I have missed letting it flow so to speak.
I had a great time at the NC State Shoot and watched some great scores get posted. Unfortunately none of those scores were posted by me so maybe 2010.

Jeff Galloway shot 198-99-94 to miss the Open HOA at the TN State Shoot. David Riddle posted a 293 to take the prize. Jeff has been shooting great and wants somebody to go to the PA State Shoot!

Three shooting events in NC this weekend with Ft. Bragg and Old Hickory@Bostic hosting typical 300 target programs. Rockingham will host their monthly Lewis Class shoot on Sunday starting at 1PM.

BGC had a lot of excitement this weekend with great scores and the big POT getting busted twice. Andrew Carroll was the 1st to hit it and got some bucks and 1&1/2 yards of real estate. James Wilson was the second POT buster and he did it from the back fence.

More to come later:-)

Tuesday May 5th, 2009

Good morning and I hope you had some rain in your area without damaging tonadic winds! This is going to be a big quick Mother's Day weekend week.
I really appreciate Watauga and Coharie either posting or sending their scores in. We have some faithful readers that appreciate the news so to speak.

Coharie had a great turnout and some good scores were posted. Morris has been on fire here lately and it is good to see Gorgeous George Brown shooting well also. Word on the street is that Mac had a flinch so severe that he peppered the corner of the traphouse from the 27 on trap 1. Marty said that Greg and Mac thought it was funny but they weren't standing on the 25 either! Hopefully we can get down there sometime this shooting season.

Watauga had a good turnout also and another Miller has emerged from the woods and won singles and caps Saturday. We cannot wait to meet him really soon. I didn't see Sudd, Shelley, Shaw or Pitts on the scoreboard? Also, Glenn Brewer slipped up the hill and I ddin't know Glenn shot doubles?

The event at the Rock had a good turnout with Chris Shoulars winning the Trap portion of the event. However, I also found out some interesting news involving JC Nunn. Now I knew that Lewis was a closet skeet shooter but JC slipped down the hill and broke a 36x50 with his trap 391 and a full choke. I heard that one of the older skeet shooters about 75 years old commented that JC would be something if he had a real skeet gun. He also commented that he was getting too old to shoot skeet and then someone asked him if he knew how old JC was. He said I don't have any idea and then they told him JC was 85 - he couldn't believe it!

If you get a chance to check out the new South Carolina Trap website - take a look. They have done a great job and the program for the state shoot is posted there. It looks like both SC and NC are charging 26 per 100 this year! Trophies for out of state shooters have always been good at SC and we hope that will continue this year.

I asked about golf cart rental at the SC State Shoot and they want $75 bucks a day for a golf cart. I gotta break down and buy a cart. I should have bought the one Terry was selling but Jimmy wound up with it! I will just have to walk slow and take it easy for sure!

Ok - that is about it and we hope you have a great Tuesday! The weekend will be here before you know it and if you live near Bostic you can shoot Thursday (BIG50) and Friday (Doubles Marathon). We hope they have good weather and a good turnout! HEY Lou (FR)

Friday Night May 1st, 2009

Greetings from Jamestown North Carolina and we hope you had great week. I have been busy at work couldn’t really find the time or the inspiration to pen the blurb. Alas I have been inspired by the day which is Friday and it couldn’t have gotten here any sooner.
Three events where lead will be spread in the TarHeel State this weekend. Watauga is looking at a partly cloudy day with winds predicted at windy and the possibility of a bit of rain. Clinton is looking a little better with lighter winds and a threat of afternoon t-storms. Last but not least the Rock will sort of split the difference with the wind and still a threat of a t-storm later in the day! We hope that scores can and will posted in a timely manner!

The Dogwood shoot last week was a great success according to reliable sources. Attendance was up dramatically from 2008 and I believe the figure was a 30% increase. Charlie Brown sure is shooting well and he broke a 97 today in the caps at the GA State Shoot and was in a shoot off I think for the top spot! Bob Schultz ended up the weekend strong with a handicap win and a doubles win on the same day. Last but not least Mr. Perfect Jimmy Wilson posted the lone 200 Saturday to top all entries. Also in the mix were the sub-jr shooters Hunter Eaves and Spencer Power shooting off for the handicap event Sunday. Spencer won out for the top spot and at the age of 9 he is well on his way to making his dad real proud! Hats off to all of the winners and thank you NCTA and the HOF board for another job well done!!

The South Carolina State shoot is only two weeks away and plans are being made to attend. Some folks aren’t really fond of the SC layout and after my last year’s performance I would be in that group. However, South Carolina has withstood the test of time and has survived the years where NC lost the Piedmont GC, Tarheel GC and the Pinehurst GC. All three clubs hosted NC State Shoots and Pinehurst hosted the Southern Zone maybe in the mid 80’s. If that clubhouse could talk you would hear the voices of Sheriff Morrison, Watt Irwin, Tommy Thomason, Frances Foster, Doug House, Jim Brown and the list goes on and on!

Jeff and Hunter are at the GA State Shoot and only shot caps and singles today. Hunter remarked that the club looked great and the clubhouse was really impressive. Evidently the club has had a real facelift since the last time they shot there 7 years ago. Jeff commented that the traps have earth up to the back of the house a
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