Rockingham Gun Club - The New Year Open - Shoot Report

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Rockingham Gun Club - The New Year Open - Shoot Report

Post by smokem »

The weatherman predicted the weather today and for once they were correct. It was chilly in the morning with sunny skies and then the banks of clouds started rolling in. All shooting was completed before I felt the first hint of rain about 3PM.

First I would like to thank the folks that traveled to the Rock today and the folks that helped. We are slowly but surely developing a crew to handle our registered shoots. Thanks to all the club members and also for Jimmy Wilson setting the doubles while Lewis got a bite of lunch!

Speaking of lunch we had hotdogs with all the fixins, Tom Cox baked beans and some delicious chocolate cake. It was hard to predict just how many folks would show up but we had enough for those that attended.

I guess you would like for me to start talking about the winners today and we will get to that in just a bit. We had two first time shooters today at the Rock and they were Jerome Sroka from Raleigh and Phil Berkowitz from New Bern! Not to mention that George Brown drives almost 120 miles to shoot at RGC!

Singles - Gorgeous George Brown had Jimmy Wilson on the ropes and let him off! I believe what I meant to say was that Jimmy had George on the ropes and let him off! George took hi-gun, Jimmy took AA, Don Kaufman took A, Lane Murray took B, Lewis Wyatt took C, Jeri Wilson took lady, Chris Shoulars took jr, Phil Berkowitz took vet and JC Nunn took srvet. George Brown and Jimmy Wilson broke two singles targets that were almost on the gorund on the last trap. It was really something to see from the scorers chair!

Handicap - JC Nunn went 24-24-24 and then the wheel she done run off but not enough to lose the caps! Phil Berkowitz won short, Lane Murray won mid, Tom Brown won long, Jeri Wilson won lady, Chris Shoulars won jr, Don Kaufman won vet and Lewis Wyatt won srvet. Folks the wind was a blowing today and we watched some targets do some freaky things in the wind!
Doubles - Jimmy Wilson started out like a house of fire, cooled off and then came back on the second box to break a 50 straight in the WIND. Tommy Brown won AA, JC Nunn won B and Lewis Wyatt won D.

HOA - JC Nunn 96/92/85 = 273x300 Good shooting Jay:-)

Singles - 11 shooters
98 - HiGun - George Brown
97 - AA - Jimmy Wilson
93 - A - Don Kaufman
93 - B - Lane Murray
97 - C - Lewis Wyatt
92 - Lady - Jeri Wilson
96 - Jr - Chris Shoulars
92 - Vet - Phil Berkowitz
96 - SrVet - JC Nunn

Handicap - 11 shooters
92 - Champ - JC Nunn
87 - Short - Phil Berkowitz
84 - Mid - Lane Murray
86 - Long - Tom Brown
** - Lady - Jeri Wilson
** - Jr - Chris Shoulars
** - Vet - Don Kaufman
** - SrVet - Lewis Wyatt

Doubles - 4 shooters
93 - TopGun - Jimmy Wilson
90 - AA - Tommy Brown
85 - B - JC Nunn
86 - D - Lewis Wyatt

HOA - JC Nunn - 273x300


Mash on the link below for all the other pictures from the Rock: ... =slideshow
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