July 4th Smoke Report

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July 4th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Happy 4th of July to everyone this morning. Whether you shot in VA, KY, PA, or Buckhorn I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. The weather pretty much cooperated with hot temps for shooting all over the Southeast.

One event this weekend on Saturday the 9th at the Durham County Wildlife Club. Also don’t forget the Southern Zone telephonic the 14th – 17th and the North Carolina Homegrounds.

Buckhorn hosted a 2-day event with hot temps and great scores both days. Saturday Doug Monjeau broke the lone 99 to lead all singles shooters, Greg Robinson got a punch for his 92 and Joe Nalley won the doubles with a 96 and HOA with a 282x300. Sunday four shooters tied with 96’s and it took a 100 straight by Caleb Mathis to end the tie. Daniel Tollison got the punch with a 92 and Caleb took the doubles with a 91 and HOA with 274x300. I didn’t get a report on what lunch was both days but I will bet it was more filling and tasted great! Congrats to all the winners and thanks to all that made the shoot possible.

We had some NC folks shooting in VA and it included NC State Handicap Gage Malone and Margaret Johnson. Gage won the non-res preliminary handicap Friday with another 97 and went on to run his first 50-75 and 100 straight in the morning singles. He followed that up with a 96 to win non-res Sub-Jr. Margaret won Lady1RU in one of the caps events and won Lady1 RU in the Saturday Singles. Carolina Clays VA shooter Sam McInteer won trophies all week long and won the State HOA with 1314. I would post a link to the VA scores, but I have yet to find them.

KY also hosted their state shoot, and they had a crowd. Great scores and you can find all of them on shootscoreboard.com – Keith Ditto won HOA and HAA and he is one heck of a shooter. GA shooter Ethan Ledford broke his first 200 and the KY state winner Blake Williams broke a 200 then 299 then 50 to win the title…..

The 7/11 smoke report might be delayed next week. I will be returning from Pennsylvania after my annual Konne-Yaut shoot at West Penn Sportsman. In 2023/24 we will be shooting at the Bradford Gun Club and 25/26 back to the Ruffsdale Gun Club. I have really enjoyed shooting in PA every July since 2010. Hopefully I can get out their early enough to get back to GSO at a decent time.

That is about it for this week. I hope everyone has a fun 4th and hopefully the weather will cooperate for all of the fireworks around the area. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Thea and Anne and until next week……..smokem
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