January 2nd, 2023 Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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January 2nd, 2023 Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Happy New Year everyone and I hope you are looking forward to a great new year. The NC trap shooting calendar is filling up and our neighbors to the North in VA and South in SC are loading their calendars also. It won't be long before the state shoots start cranking up and we are on our way.

I read that Marty Hill and his wife had contracted covid and hopefully they are doing ok. Please remember Greg High, Phil Berkowitz and the Cornett family in your prayers.

Buckhorn shot Sunday and Allan Davis reported that they had a good turnout. Mark Spoon won the singles with a 99, Mark Coz won the handicap with a 91, Will Price won the doubles with a 95 and the HOA with a 275. Buckhorn will shoot again the 22nd so please mark your calendars.

The Spartanburg Gun Club will club will hold their first registered shoot of the new year this Saturday. If you have never been to Spartanburg and planning to attend their state shoot in May. It might be good to go and shoot and get familiar with the facility. Every field is a little different and it is a lot different than the NC Homegrounds.

I took a couple of young men shooting Wednesday at the Rockingham County Gun Club. These two fellows (Zach and Nick Kashubara) grew up in our daycare and now they are 18 and 14. Both 6’ 3-5” tall and both over 200 pounds. The 18-year-old is on a Lacrosse scholarship to Barton and the other is a football lineman for Grimsley. I prepped my 32” AL-391 and 30” full choke 870 trap gun for them to use. Both boys did rather well for their first time out and both shot 100 16-yard targets. I am going to try to get them to ref for us when they have time in their busy schedules.

Looks like folks are out putting the work in and getting ready for 2023. Tim Davis was practicing at Rowan County Gun Club and Georgia shooter Ethan Ledford was cracking clays on the first day of the new year. For those that are naturally talented no practice is required. For all others it takes time and targets and good training.

Ok folks that is about it for this week. I will try to do a little digging for dirt/news for next week. Things get a little slow during the winter months and the shoot info is a little thin. Have a great week upcoming and cooler temps will arrive a little later in the week. Hello to Scott in PA, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, The and Anne and until next week……..smokem
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