July 3rd Smoke Report

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July 3rd Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

4th of July week and that means a ton of shooting going on around the country. VA, KY just to name a few will be hosting their state shoots and NC competitors will be there. We had some NC shooters at the West Virginia State Shoot held at the Winchester VA Gun Club.

One registered shoot in NC this Saturday at the Durham County Wildlife Club. The weather right now is looking like 90 and a 60% chance of rain. Of course, that could change like it always does. Buckhorn hosted a two-day shoot over the weekend, and I have no shoot report to share.

Allan Davis broke his first 100 in singles at the NC State Shoot while his trap wife in training lovingly looked on and he was wearing a boot. The boys at Buckhorn decided to shoot his hat and a blown-up picture poster board of his smiling face. The hat took a beating, and the face was shot as it lay on the ground. There was video of 5 guys shooting the picture. They tore up the ground and around it and it is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. Gail Lee Soper’s husband is the only one that hit it. Thank you, Gail, for making my day watching that priceless video.

Thanks to Leesa Church I was able to post the winner sheets from the West Virginia state shoot. Caleb and Connor shot well and from the looks at all the trophies they won they did great. Megan Smith also won several trophies and I hope her shoulder is healing well. Greyson Stainback broke a 95 in handicap Sunday and took non-res Junior. Jacob Gossett was also at the shoot and not sure what all he won. The VA State Shoot starts Wednesday and these youngins might be back for more shooting.

I am on a little adventure Wednesday. I will leave early and ride up to Winchester Gun Club to take a break, buy a shirt and take a few pictures. Then I will jump back in the 4Runner and drive 255 miles to Bradford PA. This will be my 15th year shooting with the Konne-Yaut Indians and the first year of two years at Bradford. Dan Johnson’s name is on a plaque in the clubhouse for breaking 100 straight in singles. 2026 we will travel to the Ruffsdale Gun Club and in 2028 back to West Penn Sportsman where I was inducted in 2009. Typical 300 target program Thursday and Friday with 200 singles Saturday and dubs/caps on Sunday. SC Dave Daily brought me on board and JC Nunn made it 2 years at Bradford and 2 years at Ruffsdale before he passed in 2014. JC shot his last 100 registered targets at Ruffsdale and broke a 90 at 91 years old. I will be visiting the Case/Zippo factory and if you want me to bring you something back you had better start checking out their website. One year I brought back a Marine memorial lighter for one of our officers. He had done some work on one of my pistols and that was all he wanted. Should be a fun trip and yes, I will be posting pictures on Facebook….

Ok that is about going to do it. I hope everyone has a great 4th of July and stay safe is the name of the game. Hello to Scott in Bradford, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Thea and Anne and until next week……..smokem
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