July 31st Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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July 31st Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Last day of July and hello August here it comes. With the heat index so high it will be interesting how hot August will be. One shoot over the weekend and Buckhorn shoots Wednesday (BIG50) and Saturday/Sunday.

Ft. Bragg shot over the weekend and experienced temps lower than the hapless weather people predicted. 13 shooters showed and Joel Schram led all singles entries with the lone 99. David Nelson led all handicap shooters with a 97 and collected a yard of Ft. Bragg concrete for his efforts. Ed Gideon led all doubles shooters with a 90 and wound up tied with Joel Schram for HOA with 271’s. Management ended the tie with a “flip” with Joel the winner. Marty would like to thank all that attended and to all that pitched in and helped. Next Ft. Bragg shoot will be held September 16th.

Buckhorn Gun Club will be hosting a BIG50 this Wednesday with registration at 10 and shooting at 11. I don’t believe it has been scheduled any earlier due to heat so you might want to check. Also, BGC will shoot Saturday and Sunday and I think the program will be a typical 300 target program each day. Hopefully a program will be published on Facebook sometime Monday.

The Grand American starts this week and Jeff and Hunter Galloway rode up Saturday and spent the night before completing the trip Sunday. They stopped by the Evansville Gun Club for a visit, and it is the home of the Okoboji Indians. I know Bob Schultz and Target Shotguns are there and have moved into their new larger building. I believe it housed Federal and now Federal and Remington are in the same building.

The AIM Grand just ended up and I believe they said attendance is up about 8%. They shoot trap, skeet, sporting, and rifle. I am not sure if any NC AIM shooters made it up for the AIM Grand and hope to hear some feedback soon.

One thing I did see is that Federal is selling a 200 pack that is boxed and not like a short flat. Note sure of the 200-pack price but it might have been $64 for the pack. That seems a little low but hey that might be a good deal. Also, someone posted that AA’s were $117 a flat in the Sparta Walmart.

Ok that is about it for this week. Some kind of bug has jumped on me, and it is working on my throat. One of my work friends just contracted COVID and I guess it is still going around. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Thea and Anne and until next week……..smokem
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