December 11th Smoke Report

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December 11th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Hello from a cooler Jamestown NC and it looks like the NC Mountains are getting a touch of the white stuff. Lots of rain on Sunday and hopefully nobody has any issues with flooding in their area.

CCLEOA shoots this Friday and hopefully they have a good shoot and hats off to them for hosting these bimonthly events. I really think shooting year-round can really keep you sharp without a doubt.

I have not been actively looking for prices on shotgun shells or components. I don’t believe the prices are coming down and hopefully availability is good in 2024.

Looking forward to 2024 the NC Homegrounds will host the South Carolina State Shoot/NC HOF in April, NC State shoot in June, don’t know about the zone and the Dixie late fall. Ton of shooting at the HG and hats off to all that make it run so smooth.
Just got back from Florida Saturday evening. The weather was great and even cool some days. No rain until we got back to Charlotte only to find out we missed our flight. No problem, we just rented a Tahoe and rode on back home in the rain.

ATA secretary Hunter Galloway has a virtual meeting starting in the morning with the EC. Hunter handles the legal issues that face the ATA and hopefully they will have a productive meeting. It is always interesting to read the published minutes of these meetings to find out who has been naughty or nice.

The 2024 NC State shoot calendar is slowly but surely filling in and hopefully more clubs will be finalizing their dates very soon. If you are sitting on the fence as to whether to help your local club, please consider doing so. If you have doubts about whether you can score and ref maybe this is the year to learn. Almost like church, with 10% doing 90% of the work it can be a burden on a few. If you are a true volunteer and not getting paid or your targets comped it can be it a true labor of love.

That is going to do it for this week, and I hope everyone has a great one. Looks a little cool but hey it is December. I hope you and your family are looking forward to the Christmas season. For some it can be joyous and for others rather depressing due to finances or health or the loss of loved ones. Like I say if you have not talked to your friends or family in a while this is the time to give them a ring. There will come a time when that friend or family member will not be there to answer the call.

Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Mac, Thea and Anne and until next week……….smokem
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Re: December 11th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

December 11th, 2017

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