April 8th Smoke Report

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April 8th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Good morning to all and I hope you are enjoying the cooler and windy weather for now. Several shooting events over the weekend and a few this weekend before the South Carolina/NC Hall of Fame shoot at the North Carolina Homegrounds.

An ATA BIG50 was shot at the Charlie Brown Gun Club Saturday, and they had a good turnout. John Miller won the Singles, David Nelson handicap and and Megan Smith doubles. Billy Soper was the HOA winner.

Buckhorn shot Sunday and had a great turnout also. Mark “AA” Spoon won the singles, David Nelson handicap and another ½ yard punch and Jimmy Wilson the doubles. Their next event is a two-day shoot on May 11&12. They do have a BIG50 this Wednesday so please make a note of it.

The Rockingham County Gun Club will host a typical 300 target program shoot this Saturday. Registration at 9 and shoot at 10 and the weather is looking good. We are returning $8 to the shooter and the MID50 pot is currently $1635. Sunday registration at 1PM and shooting starts at 2 with a BIG50 format. You do not have to register targets to shoot with us on Sunday. This is a great time to get a few targets in before the big event at the NC Homegrounds next week. The weather looks great for both days of shooting.

Here is the link to the program - https://shootata.com/Portals/0/pdf/prog ... leName.pdf

Link to pre-squad - https://1drv.ms/x/s!AoG7-We8qqy9jyY0phw ... DAwMDAwMH0

Speaking of that, the South Carolina State Shoot/NC Hall Of Fame shoot is upon us. Marty has pre-registered 224 competitors and there might be more since the last count. This event looks like a big old good one and it will be great to see everyone at the shoot. Greg High and Bob Goodman will be inducted into the NC Hall of Fame at the banquet Saturday night. Friday night the Old Hickory Gun Club will provide a BBQ dinner with all the fixings at their Gun Club behind the Homegrounds.

Harlan Campbell just finished up two weeks of 2-day clinics and personal 1 on 1 training sessions at the Rockingham County Gun Club. It will be interesting to hear the feedback and see the results on the scoreboard from all those students. Even Frank Davis took the last two-day clinic this Saturday and Sunday. It was nice to meet you Frank and see you in two weeks. Harlan mentioned that is next stop is a club in Pennsylvania and I know he will have a great turnout!

Last but not least the Buckhorn Gun Club will shoot a BIG50 this Wednesday. I believe registration is 11 and shooting begins at noon. Looks like rain in the morning and then clearing so it should be great by noon.

John Sandell made it back home after 6200 miles and 1500 shells. It sounds like he had a great time and returned home to rainy conditions that knocked him out of shooting at the Minuteman Gun Club.

That will do it for this week, and I hope everyone is prepping that travel checklist for the upcoming shoots. I enjoy traveling and shooting and seeing my friends and of course taking a few photos. So, when you see me don’t be shy and smile. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Mac, John, Thea and Anne and until next week………smokem
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