April 15th Smoke Report

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April 15th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Here we are in the middle of April and the North Carolina Hall of Fame/South Carolina State Shoot is upon us. A couple of shoots over the weekend to report and that is about it.

Rockingham County shot Saturday and the winds played games with the targets all day. Isaac McCoy won the singles, handicap and HOA and got a ½ yard punch for his efforts. Billy Soper won the doubles and thanks for stopping by on your way to the NC Homegrounds.

Sunday Rockingham hosted a BIG50 with warmers temps and lighter winds. Mark Cox won the singles, Jacob Gossett won the caps and the doubles and the HOA. Great to be able to warm up before a big shoot next week. Thanks to all that came out to shoot and to all that pitched in and helped.

The South Carolina State Shoot starts Wednesday at the North Carolina Homegrounds. I started back shooting in 2001 and since then all SC State Shoots were held at the Spartanburg Gun Club near Pacolet SC. Regardless the event cranks up to great weather with a chance of rain over the weekend. NC Prez Marty Hill has pre-classified close to 250 shooters prior to the event even starting. You had better bring a shelter and chairs because there will be time to sit and chat between events. They will be using 14 fields and that will move things along quickly. I would imagine that you will shoot 100 per field and 14 squads will hit the line at one time so be prepared. Tami Daniel and her crew will be cashiering the shoot, and she has always been a pleasure to work with.

I was able to pre-squad for the SC/HOF shoot Sunday night. Not sure of when it closes but it looks like a pretty big turnout is expected. With 40 plus squads on Saturday and running 14 traps and an average of 1 hour per wave the shoot should run 6-8 hours +/-. They ask to delay no more than three minutes between rounds to allow for the shoot proceed in a timely manner. Friday typically is the biggest day with three events and most folks show up for the preliminary day.

That is about it for this week, and I hope to see some of you at the North Carolina Homegrounds. Saturday night Bob Goodman and Greg High will be inducted into the NC Hall of Fame. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Mac, John, Thea and Anne and until next week…….smokem
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