Konne-Yaut Indians 90TH Anniversary & Powow

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Konne-Yaut Indians 90TH Anniversary & Powow

Post by smokem »

West Penn Sportsman
Straight Legged Dave Daily & PFred
More to come!!!
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Day 2 Day

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Smokem Has Landed In PA


We woke up Sunday morning at 5:45 to see Dave and June off. They had to pick her mom up and then travel to Myrtle Beach.

We got to club in time to take pictures and video the ceremonies and the two-man shoot which was very interesting.

We shot singles and then had to get ready to head back down the hill. It took us about 7 hours with only one 15 minute stop. Next time I am going to be sure my ham radio is in the car.

All in all it was well worth the trip and we are already looking forward to next year. We gave out a few cards and we might have a few new accounts added to the site including "Harry Da Hat" and "Fudd".

We unfortunately won't be able to make it to the Zone due to work obligations. We hope everybody shoots well and we will report scores if available.


Another beautiful day in Murrysvile PA at the West Penn Sportsmans Club. Doubles was first and I couldn't hit a first target after breaking a 95 on Friday. Caps was a bit of a struggle but I got to shoot with a squad of folks from the group.

Dave Daily managed to break a 93 in doubles and won his shootoff with 20x20. His brother "Uncle Rick" wound up losing the shootoff but took RU "C" class.

The banquet was held Saturday night at the Lamplighter which was located right in front of the HIE. We had a filet which was the best and this place had a live band that played that old smooth dance music.

I have met a new group of shooters and some are some real characters. Gene Mook is a mountain of a man and has relatives in Rutherfordton. There are many others that I will remember including 97 years young David Black. He is the oldest living member of the Konne-Yaut group and is a pleasure to talk to.

We are going to get packed up and head over to the club in a bit for the last day of festivities and then head back south. It has been a tiring trip but well worth the effort.


Another early day in PA with 300 targets to shoot. Of course this 300 was with a twist that included a dress, pig hat, bow and arrow hat accessorie, small lead ball attached to the leg, 10 foot tree branch with a plastic chicken attached and a fresh egg. Oh I forgot the nail polish on the fingernails and the face paint. I am so glad they didn't have any bras and water balloons:-)

Shot sorry singles and caps and ended the day with a 95 in doubles but someone had stolen my stick and by that time "Harry The Hat" crushed my egg in my right shorts pocket! Needless to say the day was busy with pot washing, corn shucking, PT, trash detail and just about anything within reason that I was asked to do!

I am sitting here typing with red fingernails and I will have to go to Wal-Mart for fingernail polish remover. I can't wait to see the look on the cashiers face.

Folks these people put on the feedbag with a wine and cheese party last night and a big fresh shrimp dinner tonight. For lunch we had polish sausage sandwiches and kraut. All kinds of freshly cut deli meats from the Italian meat shop. I tried to stay away from all that rich food but I couldn't help it.

We have doubles and caps Saturday with a big banquet. it should be well attended and I hope I won the pale face award for scores shot Friday. I need to get in the bed because 6:30am comes early!

Good luck to the folks shooting at the Rock and at the Doug House Memorial!! Hey Lou


Woke up early of course and ate the traditional Holiday Inn Express brreakfast. Made it to the West Penn Sportsman club and man what a layout.

9 traps and the background looks like Gastonia - can you believe it? We shot ok singles and doubles and horrible caps! Folks are friendly and I am the only person from NC at this shoot! These folks put me to work right off the bat and I have been busy doing something every spare moment! We got pix and video and hope to have a few pix up soon!!


We arrived about 6:30 and all is well thanks to the Garmin Nuvi. We were a little worried there for awhile and then here we are.

PA is a hilly green state and sure sad to see a Chevy Dealership boarded up here in rural PA. Hey Obama don't worry I won't by a "Government" Motors product:-)

We are waiting on Dave Daily to arrive from their visit to one of June's aunts. We will try to keep everybody posted and might post some pix if possible.

I did start on the NC State Shoot pix and still have a bunch to upload! You need to go check them out by going to www.nctrap.com and look for the link to my pix going back to 2004.

We will be in the chatroom this evening so come join us if possible. Try to use your name because if we don't know who you are we might not talk to you. However we might talk about you!!!!! Hey Looka Lou
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