The "Lou" At The Buckhorn Gun Club

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The "Lou" At The Buckhorn Gun Club

Post by smokem »

The Buckhorn Gun Club decided to hold a shoot to say goodbye to a great trapshooter and friend. Lou Carter came onto the NC trapshooting scene about two years ago and NC trapshooting will never be the same. He is quite the gentleman and was always willing to offer both positive and negative feedback when it came to breaking targets. He fell right in at the Buckhorn GC and was welcomed with open arms. I hope he has a pretty big house because Jimmy stated that folks would need a place to stay when visiting the sunshine state! Lou we will missyou and hope to see you soon at your house in Fla.

The weather was great for both days of shooting and Saturday turned out the biggest number of shooters. Scores were high and the PAT traps and ERADS cooperated all day! Jimmy Wison got the ball rolling and kept it rolling all day Saturday with dinner on the grounds being served at 5PM.

Even though I wasn't able to attend the cookout I heard it was delicious as usual and thanks to all that prepared the food and brought the tasty treats and sweets. Also thanks to everybody that pitched in setting up the traps, scoring, loading and picking up all the hulls.

Saturday Events

Singles - 35 shooters
100 - Champ - George Ponton
100 - AA - Greg High
99 - A - Richard Drake
98 - B - Gail Page
82 - C - Philip Berkowitz
82 - D - Allen Woody
95 - SubJr - Addison Callan
80 - Lady - Ann Morgan
99 - Vet - Lloyd Brown
96 - SrVet - Andrew Carroll

Handicap - 30 shooters
96 - TopGun - Andrew Carroll
93 - Long - Billy Wood (VA)
90 - Intermediate - Jon Lederer
93 - Mid - Tim Crabtree
93 - Short - Craig Dunn (SC)
86 - SubJr - Addison Callan
91 - Lady - Ann Morgan
90 - Vet - George Ponton

Doubles - 21 shooters
97 - HiGun - Charlie Brown flip with Jon Lederer
94 - AA - Ted Carwile (VA)
95 - A - Billy Wood (VA)
97 - B - Jon Lederer
90 - C - George Brown
89 - D - Gail Page
82 - Lady - Jeri Wilson
94 - Vet - Bill Howe
78 - SrVet - Don Kaufman

HOA - Jon Lederer - 96/90/97 = 283x300

Sunday Events

Singles - 19 shooters
99 - HiGun - Chuck Woody flip with Martin Milano
97 - AA - Greg High
99 - A - Martin Milano
97 - B - Craig Dunn (SC)
89 - D - Ann Morgan
97 - Lady - Gail Page
69 - SubJr - Josh Stanton
96 - Vet - Phil Berkowitz
98 - SrVet - Andrew Carroll

Handicap - 18 shooters
96 - Champ - Tim Crabtree
90 - Long - Marty Hill
92 - Intermediate - Andrew Carroll
95 - Mid - John Woolsey flip with Chuck Woody
89 - Short - Craig Dunn
89 - Lady - Jeri Wilson
89 - Vet - Tom Kanas
90 - SrVet - Harold Newby (VA)

Doubles - 10 shooters
98 - TopGun - Greg High
94 - A - Greg High
87 - B - Marty Hill
89 - C - Martin Milano
83 - D - Gail Page
## - Lady - Jeri Wilson
92 - Vet George Brown

HOA - Chuck Woody 99/95/87 = 281x300

Ok - that is it for all of the scores and again would like to say thanks to everyone that came out to make this event a success. BGC had folks attending from VA and SC along with the local NC faithful.

Boone shoots this Saturday in case you want to get out of town for the Holiday weekend! Don't forget the Lewis Class non-registered shoot at the Rock in case you have to stay close to home.
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