Wednesday Grand Info

Info From The Grand
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Wednesday Grand Info

Post by smokem »

Hot - Hot - Hot with a little breeze was the report from the Grand Wednesday. It looks like big Leo broke another 98 for the second day only to get beat out by a junior with a 99.

Word on the street is that the kid thought he spotted a piece off his bird and tried to convince the scorekeeper and the sqaud that it was so - they weren't buying it and the 99 was good enough to win.

The scores for the caps and doubles are not posted as of 8:35 Thursday morning so you will have to check back to see the scores sometime today.

I talked with Charlie Brown and he has already won a couple of events in the caps and doubles in the sr-vet category. I believe he said they were runner-ups and hopefully we will confirm that after the scores are posted.

Massive thunderstorms rolled through the area overnight and I hope that cools things down a bit for the rest of the week.
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