Charlie Brown Is Cleaning Up At The Southwestern Grand

Info about shoot dates and scores from around the nation.
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Charlie Brown Is Cleaning Up At The Southwestern Grand

Post by smokem »

The Southwestern Grand is well underway and being held in San Antonio Texas. Early in the week the wind was howling and the scores were pretty low. Charlie Brown has been quite busy and has been shooting rather well.
I will list the wins by events so here goes. Event #9 Preiliminary Doubles SrVet Winner 85 - Event #10 Sean Hawley Singles SrVet Winner 98 - Event #12 Zachari Nannini Doubles SrVet Winner 92 - Event #17 (Today) Perazzi Handicap SrVet Winner 98. Charlie broke 100 in the singles today and will carry that over to the Friday singles. VA shooter Bob Goodman won AA Doubles in EVENT #15.

All in all it looks like the attendance is similar to last year and that is a good thing. We hope that Charlie and crew win a few more trophies before that long trip back to NC...

Saturday Update:

Charlie won his carryover from event 16 "Decot Shooting Glass Singles" - He broke a 195 in the Championship Singles Saturday and will be shooting that off.

Other friends of NC are shooting well also. Cassie Hammond won the Ladies in event #20 Nitro 27 Handicap. VA shooter Bob Goodman broke a 196 today in the Championship Singles and will shoot that off I guess Sunday - they might be shooting it off right now - 9:37 at the time of this writing.

Sunday update:

Charlie wound up winning SrVet RU in event #19 Rio Singles and also wound up winning SrVet RU in the Saturday Championship Singles. Wow - what a week and two more events to go....

Late Sunday update:

Looks like NC's Charlie Brown won the HOA with a 378x400 at the Sothwestern Grand. He stacked up a ton of All-American points thsi last week... Congrats
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