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OHR&P Club Bostic,NC AUG BIG 50

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:41 pm
by elwood
Champ Gary Hicks 47
A Class
B Class
C Class Tony Honeyman 45
D Class Bruce Whittimore 37
Sr Vet

HD 6
Champ Henry Segner 46
Short Gary Hicks 43
Sr Vet Tracy Sanders 41

Champ Bruce Whittimore 43
A Class
B Class
C Class
D Class Gary Hicks 41
Sr Vet

HOA Gary Hicks 131

Don't forget our next shoot August 20th. This is our annual Ice Cream Shoot!

I saw an OFFICIAL Government Folder at the Big 50. Within that folder it had Public Notarized copies of the first 2 OFFICIAL White Hat vs Red Hat Scores, of course, the WHITE HATS WON. But a certain anonymous person said they saw Charlie Smith, AKA Charlie 'White Hat' Smith, showing said documents around at the ZONE and showing everybody. And of course, we are building our EGO for the up coming August shoot. WATCH OUT :twisted: RED HATS!!!!!!!


Fun Times

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:29 pm
by smokem
Which one of you is in charge of the manure spreader at OH@B? The Red Hats got off to a slow start and finally got in the winners circle.

It ain't over till the fat lady puckers up to play the bagpipes:)
